Delicious Meat Loaf For Your Cat

Delicious meat loaf for your cat

A meat loaf can be a good source of protein to get your feline out of the rut. In addition to meat, we also offer a recipe with chicken and vegetables.

For pets, as well as for their owners, a change in the menu doesn’t hurt. Besides, enjoying a party doesn’t either.

So, for those who want to entertain their kittens, let’s teach you a recipe to prepare a meat loaf for your cat.

Imagine that the kitten’s food is gone and you need to improvise with what’s in the pantry. These recipes can also be valid for this.

However, always keep in mind that not all frequent ingredients in the “human” diet are suitable for pets.

what cats cannot eat

Before starting work and preparing a special meal for our pets, we must be aware of which foods are not recommended for domestic cats.

raw fish and eggs

One of cats’ favorite foods is tuna. However, they must not eat it raw. The same thing happens with eggs. This is because they impede the absorption of vitamin B, an essential element for felines.

Chocolate and Coffee

Both ingredients also have negative effects, as do sweets.

Onion and garlic

In turn, onions and garlic can cause hemolytic anemia, a condition that, if not treated promptly, can kill the animal.

Other prohibited ingredients

Grapes, raisins and whole milk are also blacklisted.

From the food in the kitchen cupboard, what can they eat?

A meat loaf for your cat is a meal that will make him happy. However, it cannot include  any of the ingredients mentioned above, such as onion and garlic.

In addition, kittens also love chicken and turkey, as well as any cooked fish.

Other foods that can be used are vegetables such as carrots, chard, beets, tomatoes and zucchini.

In addition, they also like fruits such as apples, pears and peaches, which pose no danger to their health.

Meatloaf for your cat


  • 300 g of beef 
  • 200 g of grated cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • 4 slices of whole grain bread, chopped into small pieces
  • 4 cups of oat flakes
  • 2 cups of cooked brown rice


  • Chop the meat into small pieces, as small as possible. Afterwards, mix with the rest of the ingredients, until they are well integrated.
  • Place on a tray and place in a preheated oven at 250°C for one hour. Allow to cool and serve in moderation as this is a high-calorie meal.
  • It can be stored in the refrigerator for a period of up to three days.

Chicken pie

Kittens don’t just like beef. Chicken is another of your favorite foods.

So, in addition to preparing a meatloaf for your cat, a special meal can also be a chicken pie. It is an easy and quick dish to prepare.


  • 300 g of chopped boneless chicken breast
  • 6 tablespoons of whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of oat flakes
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of chicken broth
  • 200 grams of grated white cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil


  • Mix all ingredients using a blender .
  • Place on a previously greased tray and bake for 30 minutes at 180 °C.
  • Allow it to cool to serve.

Vegetarian pets?

Cats are not vegetarians. That is, they need proteins, which are found in animal foods. However, some of the owners of small domestic cats do not eat meat.

So, for those who decide not to feed them meat and want to share a meal with their pets, here is a recipe for a cake for the whole family.


  • 1 crushed banana
  • ½ lactose-free butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of yeast
  • ¼ cup of grated white cheese
  • 4 tablespoons of whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice


  • Mix all ingredients with a blender or other type of food processor.
  • Place the mixture in a previously greased mold.
  • Bake the preparation for 25 minutes at 180 °C.
  • We’ll know it’s ready when we insert a toothpick and it comes out clean and dry.
  • Allow it to cool to serve.

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