I Never Regret Rescuing You

I never regret rescuing you

There are still many people who are willing to adopt stray puppies and give them a warm and cozy home. All those who lived this experience do not regret having done this, because the animals that need it most are the ones that end up giving us affection the most. Anyone who adopts one can say the same. I never regret rescuing you.

Unfortunately, there are still many homeless dogs and many people who are only willing to have a puppy if it is a breed and can brag to their friends how much that puppy cost. We do not say that buying a pet is prohibited, but we are in favor of adoption and more when there are so many who need it.

We brought in the form of a letter, the feelings that anyone who has rescued a stray dog ​​can have. Do you want to know what you’re missing?

I never regretted rescuing you

no stray dogs

These have been tough months for me, because seeing you so weak, so dependent on me, is not something I’m used to.

I never wanted to have animals, since Toby died, I know the suffering that the death of a loyal friend can bring. But despite everything I’m suffering for seeing you like this and what I’ll suffer when you’re no longer here, I’ll tell you a secret: I never regretted rescuing you.

My mind is full of memories of those days, remembering the first time we saw each other. I remember I was walking, aimlessly, trying to forget a lost love, when I heard you cry. At first I thought I was delusional, that it was my imagination, because the street was deserted. We were just a Dumpster and me.

So, you called me again, and I realized you were in the Dumpster! I went running to look for you, but I didn’t see you, I whistled for you and you cried even harder. So I looked down, and there you were, in that cold, dark cardboard box.

You looked at me with those twinkling eyes that were barely noticeable hidden among your black fur and I knew I had to take you with me.

Since then, even though you felt shy in the early days, you always filled me with affection, we were inseparable and you showed me your love on a daily basis.

There are so many memories…. I don’t forget that time I got sick and you didn’t leave my bed, all the days you waited for me behind the door on my way back from work, our night walks, our daytime ones with scorching heat.

I remember the first time my friends saw you, they asked me why I didn’t get a purebred dog. For them, you weren’t beautiful, they didn’t know how to see your beauty beyond your appearance, but over time you won their hearts and they loved you as if you belonged to them.

You were one more member of the pack and were always present at our important moments. You laughed when we laughed and you comforted us when we needed it most.

stray dog ​​rescue boy

We were always there for each other, and I always felt that your love for me was unconditional.

We can’t almost walk anymore, it’s hard to wait for me behind the door even if you keep doing it, but more slowly and with the same love. For this and much more, I can’t help but respond with the same love, take care of you and provide you with the last days of life worthy of you, because I never regretted rescuing you.

And despite the pain we are now feeling, our life together was worth it. This is just a side effect that we’re both trying our best to handle, but you know what, if time turned back one and a thousand times, once and a thousand times I would bring you with me because I’ve never regretted rescuing you.

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