What Benefits Do Cats Bring To Our Health?

What benefits do cats bring to our health?

Do you know what benefits cats bring for our health? In addition to being a great psychological support, especially for children and elderly people, they contribute to the recovery of heart disease, help lower blood pressure and even cholesterol.

For this reason, medicine has used felines as partners . And nobody argues that sharing days with cats makes you live longer and better.

a healthy purr

if cats’ great healing secret seems to be in the purr, which provides a relaxing and reassuring effect, the very presence and privilege of being able to caress them is already a reason to improve people’s spirits.

Several studies have shown that cats:

  • They manage to make depressed people smile again;
  • They encourage the social character of the shy;
  • Control violent impulses;
  • Relax the nerves;
  • It makes us recover the playful sense;
  • They regulate our pressure;
  • Keep our triglycerides at a good level.

Discover the benefits that cats do to the human heart

A study published in American Journal of Cardiology pointed out that Cat owners who have suffered a heart attack are less likely to die in the year after the heart attack. compared to those people who don’t have cats.

The reason seems to be that caressing the cat and listening to the purr causes vasodilation of the arteries and peripheral vessels that help in relaxation.

In addition, contact with felines accelerates recovery of people who have undergone cardiovascular surgery.

Cats and elderly people: a good combination

Recently, a survey published by Journal of the American Geriatric Society concluded that older adults who live with a dog or cat have greater psychological well-being .

In addition to feeling accompanied , having to deal with a pet keeps them more active . For this reason, they perform better in their daily activities. For example:

  • Lie down and get out of bed;
  • Prepare food;
  • Take a bath;
  • Dress up;
  • To walk;

The study understood  almost 1000 men and women aged between 70 and 75 years old .

children and cats

child with cat

Children who spend their childhood with pets, in addition to developing a sense of responsibility from an early age, will be more sociable beings when they reach adulthood and will have more communication power.

On the other hand, against the belief in many, the little ones that grow with cats and dogs are healthier and stronger.

Several researches show that babies who live with these pets during their first year of life:

  • have a stronger immune system ;
  • Decreases the possibility of developing allergies and asthma in the future;
  • Reduce the risk of suffering infections , especially respiratory and ear;
  • heal faster and need less antibiotics;

cat therapy

Experts define it as “ positive effects ” the advantages that humans have in living with felines. That is why, the use of animals in animal- assisted therapy is increasing in hospitals, homes for the elderly, schools and prisons.

A team of researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA concluded that if a dog or cat visits a patient hospitalized for heart problems, it tends to improve heart and lung function. And these effects are achieved in just twelve minutes.

Also, these pets are of great use to treat. patients with various psychiatric disorders  , such  as depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and some forms of neurosis.

Animals have also been used successfully in cases of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s . And are ideal for improve communication in autistic children.

Do yourself a favor: adopt a cat

petting cat

If you are interested in knowing even more about the benefits that cats have to make human life healthier, we present other advantages of petting a cat that purrs a lot:

  • Makes you forget situations of physical or spiritual pain;
  • Speeds up the recovery period of various diseases;
  • Decreases stress and anxiety;
  • Reduces dyspnea symptoms;
  • Helps to cure infections or inflammation;
  • It helps to heal injuries to muscles, tendons or ligaments;
  • Decreases the risk of suffering a stroke.

So, if you don’t have a cat in your life, don’t hesitate any longer. Adopt one and offer lots of love and care. Certainly, you will become a healthier and happier person.

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