How To Clean House Dog Hair

How to clean dog hair in the house

Everyone who has a dog at home has one thing in common: they love the furry as if it were an extra member of the family, but they hate the dog’s fur around the house. And even though we have chosen to have a short-haired dog, they also shed fur that appears everywhere and permeates every corner of our home.

There are several things we can do to avoid having so much hair in the house, and once it’s all over the place, to clean it.

How to avoid dog hair loss

dog being brushed

The shedding of hair in dogs is a normal process, as the hairs die and fall out and new ones grow. The same happens to us, so the first thing we have to learn is to accept this situation as something normal, taking into account that a dog is one more member of the family. But can we improve the situation? Yes we can!

cut the dog’s fur

Especially in warm seasons (or when it gets closer), dogs tend to change their fur. If you get ahead of events and cut your dog’s fur before it ate this season, it will make your dog shed less amount of hair and also a smaller size.

brush the dog’s fur

Brushing your dog’s fur daily, and the more times the better, it will facilitate maintenance and growth, preventing excess hair from falling out. Also consider that brushing will remove all of your dog’s dead hair, thus preventing the dog’s hair from getting on furniture or elsewhere in the house.

Educate your dog from a young age

If you teach your dog from a young age not to climb on sofas, beds and in those places where it is very easy for hair to stick, removing the hair will be a job you will not have in the future.

Visit the veterinarian regularly

If you think your dog’s hair loss is excessive and that it doesn’t look normal, you don’t see an apparent cause for it either, visit a veterinarian. Your pet may have an eating disorder, stress, depression or any other anomaly that is leading to an alarming loss of hair.

Well, this advice will not prevent your dog from shedding hair, but it will certainly reduce the amount.

How to clean the dog’s fur in the house

We’ll give you lots of advice so you can get all the dog’s hair out of your house.

Vacuum cleaner

This is an essential appliance for everyone who has a pet at home, especially if it is a dog that sheds fur. The vacuum will absorb most of the hair that has fallen from your pet and has spread all over your home, whether it’s on the chairs, the floor, the beds or the furniture. Use the vacuum’s many accessories to reach the last corner of your house.


Before vacuuming, ventilate the house. If you choose a breezy day for that even better. The hairs can fly in the air, and even if you’ve already vacuumed, they can easily fall back onto furniture.

Wet cloth

The vacuum may not be as efficient as we would like, and after vacuuming, we may still be able to see that there is hair in some places that continues to bother us. For those resistant hairs, there’s nothing better than a damp cloth, wet with water or another cleaning substance. Moisture breaks the static produced by the hairs and will simply attract them, leaving the area completely clean.

dog in the room

adhesive rollers

These rollers we use to get the hair out of our winter coats are also great for running them all over the house so they can pick up our four-legged friend’s fur.

Removable covers on pillows

Using covers on sofa cushions that are washable and that can be removed easily is the best thing to do, as we can shake them, and also wash them, so that they are as good as new. However, if this option is not the most viable due to the type of sofa you may have, you can also choose to cover your sofa with a sheet so that when it becomes full of hair, it can be washed quickly.

These tips will be very useful to avoid these inconveniences by those who fly around the house and pose on furniture.

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