Care After Castration Of Bitches

Care after castration of bitches

Although neutering is a safe surgical intervention – which has evolved so far as to hardly leave a scar – your pet will recover quickly, but you will still have to pay attention to whether everything goes well with your pet after the surgery. In this article, we’ll tell you what to take after neutering surgery in dogs.

First care right after castration surgery in bitches

The ovariohysterectomy (castration of bitches) is performed under general anesthesia, making only a small incision in the bitch’s abdomen.

In general, it is not necessary for your pet to be hospitalized after he has recovered from the effects of sedation and he will be able to continue to recover at home, following your veterinarian’s instructions.


First care right after castration surgery in bitches

  • Don’t be scared if, at first, your dog has strange movements. These movements occur due to the effect of anesthesia.
  • Avoid her making efforts. Carry her in your arms to your home, if her weight allows, or enable a vehicle for transport.
  • The space intended for recovery must be warm, comfortable and, above all, clean, the cut must not be at risk of infection.
  • It is very likely that your dog will not want to eat right away or even vomit. She will regain her appetite once the effects of the anesthesia wear off completely.

In any case, the ideal is that, under these circumstances, she eats little and light food. The next morning, she can resume her usual diet.

  • Do not panic if the animal does not defecate for two or three days. This is normal after surgery.
  • Remove the cut cover only when instructed by the professional. This can usually be done the day after the intervention.
  • You have to prevent the animal from licking or scratching the suture. He may remove the stitches, and an open wound is at risk of infection. It may be necessary to put on an Elizabethan necklace to prevent licking in the area where the incision was made.
  • Give antibiotics and pain relievers as instructed by the veterinarian. If you feel in any way that the cut is irritated or painful, do not give it any other medication; mainly medications for humans.

Do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian as needed.

  • If there are other pets in the house, make sure they do not try to lick the wound or want to play with the operated animal. Keep them separate or put on a little clothing to cover the incision, or a cotton T-shirt.
  • Ensure that the animal rests a lot in a calm environment,  so that it can also recover from the stress caused by the situation experienced.
  • It is important that, during the first 24 hours of the intervention, the animal is not left alone, as it must be constantly observed.

Castration of bitches: how recovery takes place


The pet’s rest should continue for several days. At least until he returns to the vet and he decides to remove the stitches.

If he put in absorbable stitches, you should still take him to the vet to make sure everything went well during the recovery period.

So, for now:

  • Make sure the dog does not make any sudden movements or strenuous exercise. Don’t leave, don’t run and don’t climb stairs. Please note that in addition to the external suture, there are also internal stitches.
  • You can take short walks, but be very careful that she doesn’t strain and that any external situation doesn’t make the animal anxious or nervous.
  • Unless your veterinarian has instructed you, do not disinfect the wound. You should watch the cut to make sure everything runs smoothly.

If redness, swelling, bleeding or discharge occurs, take your pet to the vet urgently.

  • You should also take the dog to the veterinarian urgently if, in the days after surgery, the animal remains unwell, rejects food and has a fever.

Remember that although the surgery was not a pleasant situation to go through, the benefits are greater.

In addition to eliminating the inconvenience of birthing unexpected litters, this also frees your pet from likely uterine infections, thus decreasing your dog’s chances of developing breast cancer in the future.

Keep in mind that your pet will take about 10 days to recover from the operation and return to its normal life.

In the meantime, you’ll have to be patient and pay close attention so that nothing goes off the rails. And love her as always.

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