A Depressed Dog Can Commit Suicide

A depressed dog can commit suicide

Depression is an extremely delicate mental state that, on many occasions, can lead a sufferer to commit suicide. Sometimes, these people reach such a degree of despair that they find in the act the only way to escape this difficult problem.

It may be hard to believe, but it doesn’t just affect humans, but dogs as well. A dog can develop a depressive condition after going through some traumatic and painful situation, such as the death of the owner, abuse or even abandonment. All of these cases can lead a dog to develop depression and self-destructive tendencies.

If you didn’t know that this delicate problem also affects our furry friends, find out more below.

Why do dogs commit suicide?

Author: Soggydan Benenovitch

First, it is important to point out that, according to some studies, the dog is a domesticated wolf. Thanks to this, the dog feels more stressed and lonely when living in cities and not in herds with other animals of the same species, without contact with humans.

Another difference in relation to wolves is that dogs cannot manifest themselves through howling, but only through barking, which does not fulfill the same objective, generating anxiety in these animals.

In short, dogs have a hard time maintaining emotional balance when something upsets them. This can leave them with severe depression, an illness that most often starts when its owners are absent momentarily or permanently.

When very distressed, dogs develop self-destructive tendencies and acquire a general disinterest. The most common is the loss of appetite, which can progress to severe malnutrition and even death, as the animal with this delicate emotional state does not show emotion with any kind of stimulus.

What are the main symptoms?

There are several signs that the dog can show when it is suffering from severe depression, including:

  • Lick frequently: When your little friend is depressed, he starts licking himself compulsively to calm down. However, this action can be very dangerous, causing painful lesions such as lick dermatitis or granuloma;
  • Inability to feel any kind of pleasure;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Loss of interest, which can be manifested by constant apathy;
  • A depressed dog spends more hours sleeping than usual and fails to perform physical activities.

How can we help a depressed dog?

Owner taking a bike ride with the dog

When your dog is suffering from severe depression, it is very important to show, more than ever, the love and affection you have for him as an owner and companion.

Here are some very useful tips to help your pet overcome depression:

  • Make your dog listen to relaxing and fun music. The melody will help you get distracted and regain your mood again;
  • If your dog has just gone through the loss of a loved one, the best way to help him overcome the pain is to take him out of the environment that makes him feel bad and take him somewhere else for a while. If the owner has passed away, it is best to give the dog a new friend or owner to start from scratch;
  • Observe all the dog’s needs and talk to him more. Communicating with your furry is essential to help him overcome difficult times and is an invaluable demonstration of affection.

As with humans, when a dog is in deep depression it is essential to prioritize and devote all the time you can to them, preventing the situation from getting more complicated.

They need to understand that they are not alone and have someone who loves them unconditionally. Understanding this is the beginning of recovery.

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