All About Panda Dogs

All about panda dogs

Are panda dogs part of a new canine breed or are they modern art? That is the question of the moment, because of the furor it caused in a specific Asian country, China. Apparently, the dog is no longer a typical dish, much sought after in China, to become a “faithful companion” that everyone wants to have.

The origin of panda dogs

Panda dogs, called pandogs, are a creation of the Chinese Hsin Ch’en. This man is famous for creating “new breeds” of dogs that look like other animals. However, this “creation” did not arise from a process of miscegenation of races that aimed to achieve an ideal aspect. It is about taking advantage of the multiplicity of aspects of the existing races, and applying on them a series of new techniques to change their appearance.

In that sense, panda dogs are nothing but normal chow chows. Techniques are applied to these animals so that they look like panda bears in physiognomy. According to the breeder, these techniques are not harmful to the dogs’ health.

The characteristics of these dogs

Among the traits that can be observed in panda dogs is the distinctive hue of pandas found in their coat and distribution. Panda bears have white fur, with black spots on their eyes and legs. Also, they have a black belt right in the stomach region.

In China, there was a great demand for this animal. The Chengdu store, owned by Hsin C’en, can no longer keep up with the demand for these little panda dogs. This method has become a trend, which can be explained easily. The panda in China has had a great cultural value, since ancient times, as a sacred and admired animal.

However, it is not just in Hsin Ch’en’s shop that you can find this type of dog. In fact, they can already be found in other stores across the country and around the world. The technique has spread among dog sellers to be able to meet, currently, the great demand that the market has for panda dogs.

in the rest of the world

The pandog fashion has also spread to other countries around the world. Among other things, because of the sweetness they convey and the novelty of having a dog similar to the beloved pandas. Everyone seems to want to buy their little teddy.

The degree of resemblance to pandas is so great that the Orfel circus in Italy was closed after a complaint was received that they were deceiving the public. The pandas they showed were not real, but panda dogs.

When they discovered that panda dogs were actually just dogs with dyed fur, they began to receive requests for animal protection against their use in circus shows. After a long investigation, it was discovered that the panda dogs had been purchased in Hungary. In fact, they suffered no side effects caused by dyeing their coat.

The animal protection society failed to achieve its goal, as the only damage suffered by the circus dogs was caused by their exposure to the ring lights.

However, although the chemicals don’t directly affect the dog’s coat, the animal protection society is still keeping an eye on it. They remain opposed to the aesthetic changes caused by the pigmentation of the dog’s coat.

dog maintenance

Maintaining the beauty of panda dogs is very expensive. First, when we buy the animal, as the cosmetic technique is very difficult and takes long hours of work. In the second moment, as it is a dyeing process, the effect must be maintained or it will disappear.

The dyeing process should be done every 6 months, approximately, for the rest of the dog’s life. One of the criticisms against the process is that it is not known what the effects of the technique may be over the years.

Author: Valerie

Interestingly, a dog like the chow chow, which in its early days was considered food, is now one of the most sought after pets in China and the world.

It must be remembered that it was very common for it to appear at festivals and be served as a typical dish, so much so that the word “chow” means in popular Mandarin, “food”.

They are extravagant and attractive animals because of their modified appearance. However, submitting these dogs to this type of aesthetic procedure does not seem to be very ethical or right.

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