Anyone Who Has A Dog Has A Treasure

Who has a dog has a treasure

Dogs are great and faithful companions and many would assure that anyone who has a dog has a treasure. Next, we’ll talk about this special bond that binds dogs and humans together, so that everyone can understand why it’s so good to live together.

The special chemistry that dogs have with people virtually dates back to the beginnings of humanity. Therefore, when analyzing the evolution of both species and the symbiotic relationship that existed between them, great discoveries were made:

social structure

The existence of dogs as a species is so recent that they continue to share with their ancestors, the wolves, many biological characteristics, and this affects their structure and also their social behavior.

In relation to humans, as they are also predators and creatures that build very complex societies, many similarities can be observed in comparison with wolf herds:

gray wolf

  • Territoriality
  • Hunting in groups and the fact that they share prey
  • Generation of emotional bonds
  • They greet each other having physical contact
  • Miss the missing herd members
  • Go through periods of mourning

The social adaptations of dogs and humans sound so similar that dogs can live perfectly happily around humans and vice versa.  In addition, this has a number of advantages for dogs, as they are pampered with the best food and medical attention, they can often sleep in their owners’ comfortable beds.

In addition to a treasure, they are family members

Why do we tend to give so much affection to a member of a different species? A short answer is that on an emotional plane, families don’t see the dog as a member of another species.

Of course there are limits, but without reaching humanization, most people who share their home with a dog see it as a member of the family, and according to recent studies, it seems to be the same in the minds of dogs. This reflects a compatibility between both species.

Dogs are extraordinarily attentive and have an uncanny ability to predict what their owners are going to do, whether it’s knowing when they will be getting food or when the owner is getting ready to go for a walk.

Studies show that dogs and wolves can be cunning readers of body language, even better than chimpanzees.

Dogs also tend to be emotionally sympathetic to their owner’s mood, and express it through either euphoric or depressed states.

family dog

share a lot with us

Dogs were the first domestic animals with which we developed a close association. In fact, most domestic dogs have been genetically separated from wolves for about 100,000 years, so we’ve associated with dogs for as long as we’ve been around them as a species.

What’s more, some members of the scientific community assert that the great success we have as a species is due, in part, to the help of dogs.  Mainly because throughout history they have served us as alarm systems, hunting companions, pest control systems, natural heaters, child caretakers and playmates. Humans must always reward dogs with food and safety.

Nowadays, few dogs are used for the same work they used to do. However, they remain great companions and protectors, and many people would give everything they have to make their pets happier, in the same disinterested way they make us happy.

So if you’re considering owning a dog, you already know that you’ll have a furry treasure in your hands that, if you take care of it properly, can receive many moments of happiness.

Image courtesy of Antonio.

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