Asian Tabby Cat

This breed attracts attention by the impressions of its skin and by its eyes – greenish or yellowish – round and torn up. Born from a cross between an Asian and a British cat, whose aim was to develop the hunting instinct to put an end to rat pests.
asian tabby cat

For those who like cats, any feline is beautiful and a great option to have as a pet. However,  there seems to be a certain predilection for some breeds in particular, especially the Asian tabby cat. This sympathy is due to the great similarity that this feline has with the tiger. Would you like to know more about this animal?

Learn more about the Asian tabby cat

origin and history

In the beginning, it was known as the Burmese cat, because its origin seems to come from the Burmese cat. It was developed in Great Britain, through the crossing of this breed with others that would bring unique characteristics to the new one that emerged. However, the purpose was, like other cats, to hunt rats.


gato caça rato

However, due to the large multitude of breeds that emerged at this time,  the cat was seen as something more than a rodent hunter. Perhaps because of the beauty of its appearance or its friendly nature, the truth is that villagers at that time began to contemplate the possibility of having one of these animals as a pet.

And it was precisely at this time that the Asian tabby cat started to become famous. His beauty, very similar to that of a tiger,  and his beautiful personality, along with the tranquility he possesses, made many want to have one at home.

Physical characteristics

It is a medium sized cat and very muscular, especially in the leg and chest area, which gives it an impressive air of superiority over other breeds. This, added to  his moving elegance, makes him one of the most desirable cats in the world.

It has pointy ears and  round but upturned eyes. Although the eyes can vary in color,  they are always greenish or yellowish.

green eyed cat

Some special specimens are accepted by feline clubs if they present a very different shade. Although, we are talking about those that are even more like the Burmese cat and that have white or silver tones.

Its tail is not thick or extremely hairy, it is wide at the base and narrow at the end. Also, from its extremities it is possible to point out that the hind legs are a little longer than the front legs, an addition to running and jumping.

character and temperament

It has a quiet and friendly character  , which allows it to adapt to home environments with ease. It does not matter whether these are made up of a single member or large families. It is adaptable to all types of people and also can coexist without problems with other animals.

cat playing with insect

He is tolerant and docile, ideal for being with children, because he always wants to play  and never shows  aggressive behavior. As a curiosity, we say that he has a slightly higher intelligence than other cats, which will make him unconsciously feel a predilection for the more intelligent members of the family.

Special cares

As a general rule,  the Asian tabby cat is in good, strong health. However, some problems related to this breed are hair loss and cataracts. We recommend regular visits to the veterinarian to make sure everything is going well and to avoid any of these problems.

Like all cats, you can also  suffer from stomach hairballs. So check this with the veterinarian as well; to avoid more serious problems later.

Did you like to know more about this little tiger? Maybe you are already thinking about having one as a pet. Go ahead! You will have a very fun friend to share your home with.

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