Attention And Care With A Pregnant Dog

Attention and care with a pregnant dog

The arrival of new  puppies in the family is usually a very important event. Also, of course, it’s a delicate moment. The attention and supervision of the new mother must not be neglected at any time. What are the cares of a pregnant dog?

Taking into account that  gestation lasts between 60 and 65 days, according to each breed, there are a series of basic measures for each stage of the process.

Medical supervision and care of a pregnant dog

Pets must always be under strict supervision by a veterinarian and, when preparing to bring a new litter of puppies into the world, this becomes even more essential.

little dog doing an ultrasound

With the suspicion of a possible pregnancy, you should go to the specialist to be sure  and establish the date on which the delivery will possibly occur.

The specialist will not only make sure everything is in order, but will also determine the number of puppies being bred. In addition, he can recommend some extraordinary measures, if necessary.

Food: priority factor

Diet and a balanced diet should never be put on the back burner with a female dog in this state.

However, doses should not be increased abruptly. Also, do not include food or vitamin supplements during the first six weeks of pregnancy. This can lead to an early and uncontrolled development of young offspring, creating difficulties at the time of delivery.

During the first two weeks, the pregnant bitch will feed in the same way that she has been doing.

The routine of physical activities, walks and games must also be maintained, unless the veterinarian indicates otherwise.

From the third week on, it is possible that, as happens with pregnant women, the canine mother presents episodes of nausea, with occasional vomiting. This can lead to loss of appetite, a situation that can last until the fourth week of pregnancy.

Last days of pregnancy

From a month and a half, the care of a pregnant dog includes an increase in feeding. Also, it is important to divide the food into a larger number of servings throughout the day. The offspring inside the womb already take up a lot of space.

The previous point also implies that,  during the last days of pregnancy, the female can completely lose her appetite.

From the sixth gestational week and until weaning, it is recommended to feed mothers with baby food. These formulas contain many more nutrients than those made for adult dogs.

Owners who tend to offer a home-cooked diet should include a lot of chicken in the menu. This food is rich in protein like no other food can be prepared at home. It is important that the food is exclusively boiled, without including any complement or condiment during preparation.

The use of food supplements should only be done with the approval of the “bedside doctor”, your trusted veterinarian.

Caring for a pregnant dog. Previous considerations

Dog owners, especially if this is a breed, usually plan their pet’s pregnancy in advance. This includes the choice of the father.

In this sense, it is recommended to submit the person elected to a visit to the veterinarian. Congenital or hereditary diseases should be ruled out, as well as curing any particular health problems.

Females should also be evaluated by the specialist, based on their health status. It will be he who will determine the best time for conception.

It is also possible that some female dogs, especially if they were never pregnant, present what is known as False Pregnancy or Psychological Pregnancy.

They will have some of the symptoms of pregnancy, such as the growth of the mammary glands. There are extreme cases with episodes of false births, which must be treated with medication.


Females are perfectly capable of handling labor on their own. Obviously, they must remain under the supervision of someone who is completely trusted by the animal.

puppy taking a bottle

Knowing the exact number of puppies that are inside the womb, six hours after the first one leaves, all the puppies should have been born. If not, take the dog to the vet urgently.

In cases of crossbreeding, when the father is larger, a cesarean is recommended. In this way, possible complications and suffering are avoided.

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