Butterfly Breeding: Basic Advice

Butterfly Breeding: Basic Advice

Butterflies are an insect that we remember from our childhood. Many people like them and would like to have a butterfly at home. Are you one of those? Then see our advice for raising butterflies.

As you already know, butterflies first are caterpillars. So, these will be the first to receive our care so that their metamorphosis takes place. How to do this? We tell you!

Helpful tips for raising butterflies

Let’s look at the necessary steps that will be very practical for anyone thinking about raising butterflies. These are some:

Well ventilated container

Who doesn’t remember that shoe box we used to put larvae in silk that soon turned into butterflies? Do you remember them with the holes your mother made in the lid? This was because ventilation is of paramount importance in this work. But we are already adults and we are on another level. A box with holes in it is not enough.

The holes do not allow ventilation and, in addition, the edges can cause damage to the caterpillars. In addition to ventilating, it will be necessary to put soil at the base and grass at the bottom so that the caterpillar has a place to stay.

make you feel at home

The best thing for the survival and development of caterpillars is to adapt their surroundings as much as possible to their natural habitat. To do this, place a small branch in the terrarium and do not take them by hand. They adhere too much to the surface they walk on and you can damage them. To move it from one place to another, use a pole to make it go up and down by itself.

Another thing you should do to make her feel at home is to put fresh leaves daily and put in the terrarium outdoors where it can receive direct sunlight. This is if you ensure that the terrarium area is neither too cold nor too hot.

Take care

Always examine the terrarium and clean mold and feces daily, especially when the animal starts to change color, as it may be starting to metamorphosis.

If you’ve reached that point, you won’t need water or food anymore , just that you put water in the place sometimes so that it has a humid climate and helps the animal feel good.

create butterflies

watch the chrysalis

In butterfly breeding, this is a very important point. You must take into account whether the chrysalis is in an open space that allows the butterfly to stretch out when it leaves the cocoon. Otherwise, you can get hurt or even die. If necessary, move the branch where it is, but do this very carefully so as not to cause damage.

And when the butterfly arrives…

Once the metamorphosis takes place, the butterfly will not eat for several hours, as it must pump its wings until they dry. The nectar from the flowers will be what she needs after a few hours, although some also like sweet fruit.

release her

If you like butterflies, chances are you know that some only live one day. If you want them to thrive, you must let them go. Wait until your wings are dry and put a finger for them to land on it, take them to a flower and let them begin their life freely.

Butterflies are delicate beings that require specific care. If you don’t want to let them go free, you should build a giant crystal terrarium so they have enough space to fly and develop. Would you like to have a butterfly breeding?

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