Calluses On Dogs’ Paws: What To Do?

Calluses on dogs' paws: what to do?

Calluses on dogs’ paws are often very common in older animals. They usually appear in places on which animals lean. They are not serious, but they can be very uncomfortable. As in humans, calluses can show symptoms of dryness in the region, roughness and even hair loss.

That’s why in this article we want you to know what the calluses are, how to cure them and especially how to avoid them so that they don’t reappear.

What are corns?

Sores or calluses on a dog’s paws are a non-healing wound that usually appears in places on the body on which the animal rests, such as the elbows or knees. They appear because the dog is always supported on the same place and mainly on a hard surface. Therefore, it is convenient for your dog to have a soft bed to sleep on.

Calluses usually don’t bleed like sores, but they can form deeper than the surface of the skin so they can fester and also cause inflammation.

If the calluses on the feet don’t heal, they can turn into bleeding wounds and subsequent infection of the area. However, if friction is constant, we will never be able to heal the calluses, so it is advisable to take preventive measures.

Heal the corns on the dog’s paws

Dog lying on the hard floor.

If we notice that the pet starts to have calluses on its paws, we should act immediately. At first, the area starts to dry out and gradually loses its hair. To combat this, it is convenient to apply a moisturizing cream on your dog, thus preventing the region from becoming dry and cracked.

We recommend a specific cream for these cases. A tip is that the cream or ointment contains aloe vera and vitamin E. But, if you prefer, pet stores sell specific creams for calluses. You should apply the product to the dry area, massaging it gently until it is absorbed. But be very careful not to let the animal lick the cream.

If the callus has already developed into a sore, it ‘s a good idea to take the animal in for a veterinarian’s examination. The professional can apply a healing product and check that the wound is not infected. In this case, do not use creams, as it is better to apply iodine or another antiseptic product.

Prevent corns on dogs’ paws

Puppy on soft blanket.

As with any matter, it is better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, in the case of corns, we should avoid as much as possible to allow them to form and become chronic.

Older, short-haired dogs are the most likely to suffer from this condition, so they need to receive more attention and care.

As far as possible, you should avoid letting your dog sleep or rest on hard surfaces. For this, you should provide a soft bed or a blanket, thus avoiding friction on your elbows and knees.

When taking the animal on a trip or visiting someone, make it a habit to always take his blanket as well, do not ignore this care.

It could also be that the friction is produced by some object such as your guide or collar. In that case, you should trade and buy one that won’t hurt you. If you buy a new collar, you should take care that it doesn’t cause diaper rash in the first few weeks.

Whenever you bathe and dry your dog, be sure to apply moisturizer to areas where calluses may appear. Also do this on a daily basis just before bed. Apply the cream, but be sure to check that the skin has completely absorbed the product so that the animal cannot lick it.

Also avoid your pet’s excess weight which, in addition to causing several health problems, also facilitates the appearance of calluses.

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