Cat Teeth Care: How And Why

Cat teeth share many similarities to human teeth. Therefore, they require similar care.
Cat Teeth Care: How and Why

Cat teeth are adapted to eating meat because,  like other felines, cats are predators. However, your pet’s teeth share many similarities with the human mouthparts. This means your cat’s teeth require the same attention as yours.

Do you know the best oral hygiene routine for your feline companion? Are you aware of the importance of routine pet hygiene? Don’t worry, because here we’ll give you the answers to those questions and many more.

Why is it important to take care of a cat’s teeth?

If you don’t take care of a cat’s teeth, a cat’s mouth can develop dental disease as easily as a human’s. Plaque is the first thing that settles on teeth and is created by some bacteria combined with the animal’s saliva. If not cared for for a long time, it will turn to tartar.

The formation of dental abscesses in the teeth or gums will cause the animal a lot of pain. At that point, the only way to remove them is through surgery. This is one of the reasons why prevention is the smartest option.

If your cat has severe cavities, he may lose some of his teeth. Also, the infection of the teeth and gums can spread to the bloodstream. From there, it becomes a systemic problem that can damage the animal’s kidneys, liver, heart or lungs.

Why is it important to take care of a cat's teeth?

How to start dental treatment on your pet

When you adopt a pet, it’s always a good idea to start with a veterinary consultation. The professional will be able to determine if your pet has dental problems and can suggest necessary treatment.

Some cats need professional cleaning before being taken home. In addition, a veterinarian will suggest the specific products your pet needs. Each cat may have different risk factors and therefore the products needed may be different. That said, there are some items that are absolutely necessary.

What You Need to Care for Cat Teeth

There are a wide variety of shapes and sizes when choosing a cat toothbrush. Some can be placed on your finger so you can use them more easily, while others have the traditional handle.

Remember:  a brush suitable for cats should have soft bristles and an angled head. Depending on the severity of the cat’s problems, it may be better to use traditional handle brushes as they provide a firmer grip.

Toothpaste for cats should be made specifically for them. Human toothpaste does not work and can be toxic as it contains fluoride and other chemicals. If your cat has a lot of tartar, look for a paste with enzymatic agents that will help break it down, as it will be more efficient.

How to brush your cat’s teeth

There are several steps you should take for proper cleaning:

  1. Get the animal used to having your fingers close to and inside its mouth. This should happen gradually as it is not something cats are naturally used to. Start by touching the mouth area gently and consistently, but not too long.
  2. Get your cat used to the taste of toothpaste by putting some on his fingers and letting him sniff and lick it off. If you brush your cat’s teeth at the same time every day, your pet will get used to it much faster.
  3. Don’t rush things. When you’re ready to get started, put your cat on a table or in your lap. Embrace it gently to reduce the animal’s movements and prevent it from escaping. This will facilitate access to the cat’s mouth. Lift the cat’s upper lip and slide the brush in a circular motion along the line between the gum and the tooth.

The front teeth should be brushed first as they are easier to reach. Gradually, your cat will get used to the feeling of brushing and you will be able to reach your back teeth.

how to brush

Don’t forget to reward the animal whenever you brush its teeth. Affections, compliments and games or whatever your cat likes best should come after brushing! Even if you can’t get very far with brushing, you should reward the animal. Gradually, he will find this activity more enjoyable, as long as you are careful not to hurt him.

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