Characteristics Of Keeshond Puppies. Find Out What They Look Like!

Characteristics of Keeshond puppies.  Find out what they are like!

The Keeshond or Wolfspitz, Great German Spitz or Wolf Spitz  is an intelligent, loving and faithful dog that draws attention by its pointed snout,  similar to that of a fox, by intelligent and attentive eyes and by large and soft fur.

This dog is very active, agile and confident, gets along well with other dogs, pets and  kids . He also has a great adaptability and can understand and fit to the different moods of  owners .

Although currently if already considered as a pet, he is also used as a guardian , because it is an animal that is always alert and has a strong and tireless bark to signal the presence of strangers.

Ancestors in Keeshond he must m exist since the Stone Age, there   about 6,000 years . Although the F ederation Cynological International (FCI) classify it as part of the German Spitz family ,   the race how We know is actually from the Netherlands and are descendants of Nordic dogs .  

T they are about dogs that were developed in an extremely cold climate, such as the chow chow , O   elkhound , the P astor  finnish from lapland , the P swedish actor from Lapland it’s the Samoyed .

Some Keeshond Features

keeshond dog

It is a medium sized animal, compact, solid and well balanced. Strong and healthy, it has an average lifespan between 12 and 18 years. Other details of your physique are:

• Height: 44 to 50 centimeters;

• Weight: between 25 and 32 kg;

Hairs: features a double layer,  the hair outside is long O and rough, while the int erior is a short furry , dense and smooth. has a  mane density The and bulky  around the neck what gives a simi appearance home of a lion . he also has a big crease  over the shoulders and  has bangs on the paws .

•  Color: mixture of grey, cream and black, which gives the impression of a silvery grey. The lightest parts of the fur are on the muzzle, around the eyes, on the tail, on the belly and on the feet;

Head : in medium size, wide and flat. get dressed The from above, it looks like a triangle which is narrower  at the nose and widens towards the ears;

Ears: Small, pointed, triangular and erect; set high and very close together;

• Eyes: medium, oval and slanted; dark in color;

• Muzzle : Moderately long, nose small, black and rounded;

• Tail : Medium in size, tall, curled over the back and covered with a dense coat.

Data to consider before choosing a pet

running keeshond dog

Keeshond does not withstand high temperatures well.   The thick fur is designed to withstand the cold, rain and snow. This way, you should give up on having him as a pet if you live in a warm place, to avoid this type of suffering to the animal.

Although he may get used to apartment living, you will have to take him for a walk, religiously, as he tends to to fatten quickly with lack of exercise . Therefore, the ideal environment for this animal is country houses or with a large patio, terrace or garden.

You should also have your fur brushed once a week. , to get rid of the p and them dead and prevent us from forming. The change of fur occurs in spring and autumn , so twice a year you can find tufts fur scattered O s all over the house.

must have a  special care with your teeth and gums , as it starts to lose teeth early. To avoid infections and other complications afterward, you have to brush his teeth regularly with toothpaste for veterinary use. Other health complications that may occur:

Skin problems;

Kidney stones;

Hip dysplasia;



Disease/Syndrome of Cushing;

Eye infection;

Knee dislocation;

Some heart problems.

despite your brave and independent spirit , can be easily educated, although it may not work with traditional training methods. With patience, affection, games and rewards, you will surely reach the goal and enjoy this wonderful pet as a member of the family.

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