Discover The Magnificent Schnauzer

Discover the magnificent Schnauzer

We would like to introduce one of our favorite puppies, the  Schnauzer. It is a breed of dog originating in Germany.  Its name comes from the German word  schauze , which means “snout” and is closely related to another word,  schnauzbart,  which means “moustache”, something very characteristic since dog.

They are dogs recommended to live in the family, they are also guardians and very intelligent. If you’re thinking about adopting a dog, the Schnauzer is a great choice. Want to know what they look like? Find out below.

The qualities of the Schnauzer

Your characteristics

Physically, Schnauzers are characterized by their beard and large eyebrows. They can have four color varieties, such as salt and pepper, black and silver, solid black and pure white.

They are usually 44 to 50 centimeters in size and have a life expectancy of 14 years. Depending on size, there are three varieties, Miniature Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer.

The character

Schnauzer is synonymous with intelligence and affection. They have many qualities as they are patient, very defensive, attentive and active, although sometimes a little stubborn.

Because of these characteristics, they are considered family dogs, in addition to getting along very well with the children of the house.

It is a perfect watchdog, as they are usually very alert to possible dangers that may not only affect you, but affect the whole family.

As they are a dog with a great intelligence, it is recommended to train and teach them from an early age.

The Care of a Schnauzer

Although this breed does not need special care, some advice should be taken into account , especially regarding the care of its coat. This is very important, as these precious dogs are recognized for their particular cut of hair called “stripping”,  which generates a lot of controversy.

This haircut is usually done on dogs that will compete, and the technique can cause damage. If this breed’s fur isn’t cut like that, it won’t look like a Schnauzer.

Following the care with the Schnauzer, it should be combed daily, giving special emphasis to the beard and the hair on the legs.

Also, your mustaches and beard should always be very clean and sanitized, but don’t believe he’ll let you move so easily; therefore, it is necessary to get him used to it since he was a puppy.

Whiskers must always be clean, wash them weekly with a mild shampoo, but you don’t need to wash them entirely, only this part that normally gets dirty very easily.

The most common diseases of Schnauzer

There is a disease characteristic of this breed called comedo syndrome. It is a skin problem  characterized by black spots, especially on the back.

It appears that the cause is genetic and appears mainly in miniature Schnauzers. It is very important that you see a veterinarian so that he can medicate you and prevent the disease from progressing.

Schnauzer is also prone to suffering from eye problems such as cataracts, although it can be operated on if caught early enough.

Legg-Perthes disease usually appears between 4 and 10 months. Symptoms are severe pain and itching in the forelegs, which can trigger muscle atrophy.

For these reasons, a veterinarian should be immediately sought for immediate treatment.

The Schnauzer and Agility

Agility is a sport or competitive variety that is very beneficial to the dog. In this competition,  skill and intelligence must be demonstrated, in  addition to establishing a strong bond between the dog and its owner.

It basically consists of passing a series of obstacles in the shortest time possible. In this sport, the owner is the one who guides and accompanies him without using any toys or prizes.

The owner cannot pull over or pass obstacles either, he can only use his orders and body language. This is because the  Schnauzer  is a perfect competitor, possessing the necessary qualities to win any Agility competition. 

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