Discover The Stages Of Heat In Dogs

Know the stages of heat in bitches

Estrus in dogs is the period in which females remain in a fertile state. A big part of the drawback during the estrous cycle (also known as heat) is that owners are not well informed about it and don’t understand very well the restlessness of both male and female dogs. So, in this article, we will expand the information about the stages of heat in bitches.

common mistake

Before continuing to explain the stages of heat in bitches, we will first address one of the big mistakes in understanding it.

There are many people who believe that the bleeding period in dogs is the same as the period in women, however this is not true.

While for women this is the last phase of the ovulation period and is characterized by an infertile period within it, with the expulsion of the egg and material that has accumulated in the uterine wall, bleeding in dogs is only part of the phase. of heat, when this occurs it means that they may be pregnant.

The heat of bitches occurs in four phases:


The stages of heat in bitches

The first stage of heat is called Proestrus. It is a period of approximately 20 days when the first hormonal changes begin to appear. Among these changes, swelling of the vulva and the perineal area.

Also, the bitch begins to secrete pheromones to attract the males’ attention. The end of this vaginal bleeding phase indicates the beginning of the female’s fertile phase.


The second stage of the ovulation period  lasts up to 20 days (although in some small breeds it may take longer). It is the moment when the bitch can get pregnant, in case of mating successfully.

It is when the female accepts to mate with males, if possible, with several. She may still have some slight bleeding, but it’s usually about to stop.


In the case of a successful mating, during the third stage, or Diestrus, bitches stop paying attention to males, due to hormonal decline and pregnant, males also stop competing for the female’s attention.

This phase, in case of pregnancy, lasts 63 days, in non-pregnant bitches it can last up to 100 days.


In Anestrus, as in Diestrus , dogs and bitches show no reproductive interest.

The duration of this phase will vary depending on the breed and size of the dog, smaller dogs spend less time in this phase, while larger dogs spend more time.

The phase varies between three and nine months and is characterized by a hormonal period that is not constant, due to this, many veterinarians exclude this phase from the heat period.

Although most bitches start their reproductive life around six months, when the first heat occurs, this is not a general rule, so that heat can occur between four months and the first year of the animal’s life.

Keep in mind that heat, like any other biological process, depends on the breed and size of the animal, but there will also be important factors: health status, especially the dog’s physical condition, and environmental conditions.

Some people argue that bitches, in order to enjoy good health, must have at least one offspring, but this is absolutely false.

Recommendations on bitch heat

Recommendations for breeding the bitch

If you want your dog to get pregnant, remember that the ideal age for this is between 2 and 5 years old.

This is because over this period of time, the bitch’s body will be fully developed, but the process of deterioration has not yet begun, so that pregnancy can occur without causing greater wear or risk to the female.

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