Distemper In Dogs

Distemper in dogs

Distemper is caused by a very dangerous virus. It also often affects other animal species. It is a virus similar to measles in humans, significantly affecting animals, especially puppies and elderly dogs, which can develop more complications.

This virus is very present all over the world. However, there is an effective vaccine against it. Among its main forms of contagion is contact with the fluids of infected animals, including water and food that was consumed by them. The virus can be airborne, so this is another common form of contagion.

When the distemper virus enters the dog’s body, it usually needs between 14 and 18 days to incubate, soon after start to present the first symptoms.

Symptoms of Distemper in Dogs

sleeping puppy

The most important thing is to always carefully observe the dog’s behavior. In the case of canine distemper, there are very clear symptoms that, as the disease progresses, will attack different parts of the dog’s body at respiratory, intestinal, skin and neurological levels.

Among the signs that may indicate the appearance of this disease are :

  • Dog apathy and weakness, loss of appetite, etc.
  • Fever, which usually appears in the week of contagion. Fever can be cyclic, appearing and disappearing as the disease progresses.
  • Major respiratory problems with cough, difficulty breathing and green nasal secretions.
  • Signs of intestinal changes, such as constant yellow diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Eye problems, eye secretions and conjunctivitis.
  • Rashes on the skin and hardening of the pads of the feet.


Distemper is a disease that has no specific treatment. What experts advise is the application of a medication to combat the symptoms that are presented and allow the dog to develop its own defenses against the disease. These medications include antibiotics to fight the infections the disease causes, vitamin supplements, and medications to relieve symptoms.

It is very important to go to the veterinarian if the animal has never been vaccinated against Distemper and if there are signs that indicate a possible appearance of the disease, or if your pet has been exposed to the environment of another infected animal.

Distemper prevention

As with other diseases, the best tool is always prevention. In the case of Distemper, it is possible to obtain it with the timely vaccination . The dog must be vaccinated for the first time against this disease between 6 and 8 weeks of age, and receive a booster vaccine annually.

If we intend for our puppy to become pregnant, it is important to immunize her against Distemper before pregnancy to eliminate the risk of transmitting vaccine antibodies to puppies during lactation.

You should not take the dog to the field or put it in contact with other animals before it has received all its vaccinations, especially the one for Distemper, because if you do, you will be putting your life at risk.

Some Important Advice Against Distemper


  • We will acquire our puppies in serious places, where they deliver a vaccination card with one or two vaccines identified with laboratory tags.
  • Our puppy must be over two months old and fully set at the time of adoption.
  • If there’s ever been a dog with Distemper at home, we have to make sure that our home is well disinfected. Dishes, toys, food bowls, etc., must be clean before a new canine inhabitant arrives at our home.
  • As we have seen, if we intend to breed the bitches, they must be well vaccinated first. This will prevent them from transmitting the virus to future puppies.
  • We will vaccinate the puppies between 6 and 12 weeks with three doses, which include the distemper, spaced between 15 and 21 days each.
  • If the our puppy manifests some of the signs of distemper, we should not expect him to improve himself, immediately take you to the vet.
    • If the dog does not improve within a few days after starting veterinary medical treatment, it is best to hospitalize him.

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