Do Rattlesnakes Use The Scales To Store Water?

The different types of snakes have adapted to the habitat in which they live to make the most of available resources.
Do rattlesnakes use the scales to store water?

Ever wonder how snakes survive in areas where water is a scarce resource? Do they have a vital fluid storage system in the body? Yes, rattlesnakes’ scales allow them to store water.

We’ll see more about this interesting subject below. However, before that, we need to review some general aspects.

Rattlesnake classification

First, it  is important to differentiate between snakes, snakes and vipers. These terms are often used interchangeably, but there are differences between them.

The term “snake” is used to refer to the suborder of reptiles (sauropsids). Therefore, “serpent” refers to the entire suborder, within which are snakes and vipers.

Rattlesnakes are part of the group of vipers. In this case, rattlesnakes belong to the Crotalus  genus and are poisonous snakes.

What are rattlesnakes like?

The genus  Crotalus  comprises a total of 32 species, with several subspecies. However, all species have a characteristic triangular head and rattles at the end of their tails.

Other physical features of this species are eyes with vertical pupils, retractable tubular tusks and a thick body. As for the tail rattles, they can be broken or lost, and the chicks don’t have them.


Within this genus,  each species shows its own skin color patterns. Color variations include shades of brown, gray and black as well as cream, yellow or olive.

Among the characteristic patterns of this type of snake are bands, spots or the diamond shape. However, some species do not have a characteristic pattern. 

Distribution and food

Rattlesnakes are cold-blooded animals  that hibernate during the cold months. With the arrival of heat, they come out of hibernation and remain close to their dens for the first few days.

During hibernation, they shelter in rocky crevices called snake holes. In spring and summer, these snakes migrate to habitats richer in food.

They are nocturnal animals  that hunt different prey, usually small rodents. Once they have ingested prey, they make the digestion hidden and inactive.

These snakes can be found in different regions, from sea level to mountainous areas, with elevations above 3000 m. Other species are found in desert areas, depending on the type of snake.

How do rattlesnakes use scales to store water?

Some of the rattlesnakes that live in the southwestern United States have a peculiar behavior. This is the case of the  Western Diamond Rattlesnake ( Crotalus atrox), which has a characteristic diamond pattern.

She lives in the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona and has a unique technique for surviving the arid climate. These snakes use the scales to store water, changing their body position.


To do this, they flatten the body in the dorsoventral position, forming a coiled coil. In this way, they are able to collect as much water as possible, regardless of the element’s physical state (ie rain or snow).

As the water drops accumulate, the dorsal scales unite, allowing the snake to drink the water. For this reason,  the body of this snake has a specific design to be able to store water in  this way. Amazing, isn’t it?

How was the technique of using scales to store water discovered?

A group of scientists conducted a study on the Crotalus atrox rattlesnake  .  To do this, they focused on studying the role of dorsal scales in water storage.

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Photography: Eric Heisey |

To determine how this storage technique worked, electron microscopy was used. Thus, the impact of water on the animal’s skin was observed.

It was possible to observe the presence of a net or a labyrinth on the back of the rattlesnakes. This has also been found in two other species in the family, Lampropeltis splendida and Pituophis catenifer .

By studying the behavior of these two snakes in relation to rain storage, it was possible to see that it was different. Only a few species of rattlesnakes exhibit this behavior to survive in hot and xeric environments.

However, the other snakes that live in the desert have developed their own techniques. Such techniques allow snakes to gain hydration in arid climates such as the desert.

Developing this method that uses scales to store water is a great evolutionary strategy. Therefore, thanks to her, these snakes were able to thrive in regions as complicated as the deserts.

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