Dog Allergy: Rugs Could Be Contributing To Allergies

Allergies are becoming more and more frequent in dogs. Mites are generally one of the most common allergens.
Allergy Dog: Rugs May Be Contributing to Allergies

Allergies are an exaggerated response of the immune system to a substance, called an allergen, which under normal conditions would not elicit this type of response. It is increasingly common to find a dog allergic to mites, fleas, food or any element of the environment.

How do you know if a dog is allergic?

Allergy can occur at any age and in any breed of dog, although it is true that there are some who are more prone to allergies, such as the French Bulldog.

The most common allergy symptoms are:

  • Itching. Sometimes, the itching is so great that sores or holes appear from the animal’s scratching or licking the affected area. Itching can affect the entire body or be localized.
  • Redness. Very typical in the ear region or in the space between the fingers.
  • Vomiting and  diarrhea . In food allergies.
  • Otitis. It is very common in allergic dogs. For the animal it is very irritating, as it causes a lot of itching. It is important to treat ear infections to prevent damage to the inner ear.

    How do you know if a dog is allergic?

    Allergies and Carpets

    One of the most common allergens in dogs – and people – is dust mites. Mites are a subclass of microscopic arachnids that inhabit the world and are often found in dust inside homes.

    Autumn and spring are the worst times due to rain, but with the right conditions, mites can be found any time of the year.

    Dust easily accumulates on rugs, curtains, mattresses, wall hangings, blankets… on any surface that accumulates dust, but especially among textile fibers where dust is trapped and large numbers of mites proliferate.

    You can find out what causes an allergy in your dog through an allergy test at your veterinarian. Using blood samples and an allergen panel, those that produce a reaction will be detected.

    How can we help our dog at home?

    To fight an allergy, it’s best to avoid what triggers the symptoms. That is, you should try to prevent the animal from coming into direct contact with the allergens.

    Mites prefer a warm environment with high humidity, so we can take a number of steps to eliminate or reduce their number at home:

    • Avoid rugs and other objects that accumulate dust. If they cannot be avoided or if we do not want to avoid them, we should wash them periodically and allow them to dry completely.
    • Wash the dog’s bedding, blankets, and toys. To prevent the accumulation of mites and dirt.
    • Bathe the animal regularly, as long as indicated by the veterinarian and with a shampoo suitable for frequent use. We must not forget to dry our pet completely, as the damp fur is an ideal habitat for mites and fungi.
    • Ventilate. Daily ventilation in conjunction with regular cleaning will eliminate mites.
    • Vacuum the floor. It is better than sweeping as it does not raise dust from the floor surface.

      How can we help our dog at home?

      It is important to periodically take the animal to the veterinarian so that symptoms that may affect the skin and ears can be treated, as our dog will certainly need some kind of medication to eliminate the itching, cure skin lesions and treat otitis that may appear. .

      Remember that an allergic dog has a  special sensitivity to the bite of external parasites such as fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Therefore, we must avoid them with pipettes or necklaces.

      Allergies cannot be cured. Therefore, we must learn to live with them while minimizing the allergen. However, if we decide for allergy vaccination, we must not forget to follow the guidelines established by the veterinarian.

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