Faithful Dogs Until After Death

faithful dogs even after death

Although there are centuries between us, we still have a lot to understand about dog behavior. There are many actions in which dogs protect us, it is the case of faithful dogs until after death.

Possibly, the sensitivity of dogs to the death of a loved one is due to the fact that they are highly sociable animals and form strong bonds with people who are part of the family, with whom they establish relationships that go beyond a form of survival.

However, with the disappearance of a family member (human or animal), dogs suffer from the change in hierarchy, especially if it was someone with whom he was very close, reaching extreme cases of undergoing psychological rehabilitation and pharmacological treatment. .

Do dogs understand the concept of death?

sad dog

It is not clear to what extent dogs understand death as an inevitable event. However, it is reported that at least seven out of ten dogs show signs of anxiety after the death of a loved one or animal companion.

Dogs are animals that are dependent on their owner and a sudden change in the hierarchical position in the family can severely affect them.

Canine behavior psychologists and experts agree that attention should be given to a dog who is going through this type of crisis so that he can overcome the loss in a healthy way.

Some small precautions that can improve your dog’s mood:

It is recommended that the dog maintain a more or less normal activity level, so you should encourage him to return to his normal routine;
Give a lot of affection and show love;
Use his favorite toys as incentives for him to play;
Take him for a ride, it could be a simple car ride. This will be an excellent distraction for him;
If possible, spend a little more time with him;
Visit the veterinarian if your dog stops eating, drinking, or becomes very depressed, he may need specialist treatment.

more sensitivity

Currently, there is a greater concern on the part of owners about the behavior of dogs when a loved one dies.

Among the most common arrangements for these cases are pet owners who spend small amounts of money or possessions to secure the pet’s care after their death or who talk to their friends and relatives about who would be the ideal person to care for them.

An unusual request, but one that has become popular, is to allow the dog to approach the owner during the wake, so that, somehow, he realizes that the owner did not abandon him, but that something happened.

Famous Stories of Amazing Dogs

Possibly the story we all remember when it comes to it, Hachiko, Professor Eisaburo Ueno’s Akita dog. Every day Hachiko accompanied her owner to the train station when he returned from work.

Unfortunately, the teacher died of a heart attack while teaching a class.

Hachiko, unaware of his master’s death, waited at the train station for nine years, becoming a symbol of loyalty, not only in his native Japan, but all over the world.


dog in grave

Argentinean Capitán is a dog that, since 2007, guards the tomb of his master Miguel. According to Miguel’s wife, Miguel took the dog home as a gift for his son Dámian. However, since Miguel’s death, Capitán has disappeared.

The family missed him one Sunday, nearly a year later, when they visited Miguel’s grave and saw the dog in the cemetery.

According to the workers’ account, the dog had arrived a few days ago with an injured leg and looking exhausted. He visited the tombs until he found Michael’s and lay down beside him.

The curious thing is that the dog had never been to the cemetery, so it is assumed that he arrived at the place through the smell.

Although the family tried to take the dog home, he always returned to the cemetery, so they ended up leaving him at the site, where hundreds of people came to see, care for and feed this loyal dog.


Canelo was the faithful companion of a wanderer in the city of Cádiz, Spain. Canelo’s owner had to undergo dialysis treatment and left the dog in front of the hospital waiting for him.

Unfortunately, the man died and the dog was out of the hospital awaiting its owner’s release for twelve years.

This case became very famous because it was captured by the agencies responsible for collecting homeless animals, generating indignation among the residents of the area, who carried out demonstrations that managed to get the hospital to sponsor Canelo with veterinary treatment and food.

Today there is a memorial plaque near the place where he spent most of his life.

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