Fawn Basset From Brittany: A Quest Champion

Tawny Basset from Brittany: A Quest Champion

The Basset Fulvo de Brittany is a hunting dog of the bloodhound type, that is, sniffer. He has an unflattering appearance, but an extraordinary nose that has made him a champion fighter and achieve world fame. Below, find out everything about the Basset Fulvo da Brittany:


The fawn basset is a direct descendant of the fawn Griffon of Brittany, another hunting dog. It was born in France and developed throughout the 19th century, but only became famous at the end of the 20th century, when it started to win prizes for hunting rabbits. Besides being a companion dog, nowadays it is still used for hunting .


The Basset Fulvo de Brittany measures between 32 and 28 centimeters in height at the withers, and so are considered a medium-sized breed of dog.

Basset Fulvo from Brittany

Its head is broad, meaning the front part is larger than the skull, and it is also narrower than it is wide. It has large lips, but they are not hanging down or very bulky, as in other sniffer breeds. However, it maintains a typical characteristic of hounds: the ears are triangular and drooping. They usually don’t go beyond the jaw line and are covered with hair that’s softer and shorter than the rest of the body.

Morphologically, it is worth noting that the front legs are short, according to the proportions of the rest of the body, especially the hind legs. The body is slightly broad but rounded, and the chest is deep and strong.

Due to his physique, his body is prepared to be a perfect rabbit hunter: his front legs make it easy to leave his muzzle on the ground without forcing his posture, while his muscular body allows him to run along the tracks.

On his skin, the hair is long, but not matted. The eyes do not stand out because they are neither big nor small, and they are neither too close together nor apart. It has a range of colors from gold to red. Sometimes a white star appears on the chest, and it is common for them to have black hairs all over their bodies. The coat is a bit coarse and doesn’t tend to change much with changing seasons.


Their bodies allow them to be passionate about hunting, but they are also great companions for humans. The Basset Fulvo from Brittany is sociable, affectionate and close to his human family. It has a great adaptability that, in its origins, allowed it to be an efficient dog in all types of terrain. Currently, this means that they are able to be happy wherever the owner is.

fawn basset from britain

Source: Baslerfauves

They are energetic dogs that need physical and mental exercises. A fawn basset from Brittany will only be happy if it  can go around the woods and follow all the tracks it finds, hunting or not. It moves quickly and agilely for the small size of its body, and enjoys freedom and places full of interesting smells.

Like other hunting dogs, such as terriers, they have a marked character. They are brave and fearless. They are affectionate and affectionate, but they assert their opinions and preferences. They are also tenacious dogs that, when they set out to do something, don’t stop until they get it. Your tenacity has to do with your intelligence. If he wants something, he will do anything to get it, and he will not surrender.


Brittany fawn basset fur is easy to maintain. It needs regular brushing, but it’s a rustic hair, easy to keep healthy. It does not make large changes of fur between seasons, although in early spring and autumn it needs to be brushed more often.

There are no major health problems inherent to the breed, but you may be more likely to have some problems because of your body. Short-legged, broad-bodied dogs often suffer from back pain. Also, hound dogs with big, floppy ears need to be very careful with their ear hygiene. It’s easy for a dog with droopy ears to get infections and other ear problems.

About their education, it must be said that this is a difficult breed to domesticate. It is necessary to take into account that it is a tenacious and brave dog, and that it will not let itself be manipulated by traditional methods, based on strength or domination. The fawn basset from Brittany is a perfect dog to educate with positive reinforcement, as it will be happy to learn on the basis of prizes.

Lastly, fawn bassets from Brittany generally have a character of their own, and are affectionate and loyal to the family. If you allow your basset to walk around without taking its nose off the ground, it will be the happiest dog in the neighborhood. And if, on top of that, you earn his affection with rewards and positive games, you’ll be a perfect duo for years to come.

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