Four Reasons To Spay Your Pet

This procedure has important advantages related to the animal’s health. It also softens the character, which is beneficial for those animals with nervous behavior.
Four Reasons to Spay Your Pet

Spaying your pet is an important decision that only you can make. This important choice, if you agree to do so, will bring great benefits to your partner, in addition to changes in behavior and even in your health in general.

What is sterilization?

Sterilization is a low-complexity veterinary procedure, in which the animals’ reproductive organs are removed or neutralized. It is very common to be performed only on cats and dogs, although it is also performed on other species.

The procedure is simple, with two ways: one more invasive and another chemically. This operation is generally very affordable and, around the world, it is carried out responsibly.

The intention of the procedure is to prevent animals from entering their reproductive cycle and be able to control the population of a species. With sterilization, it is also sought to prevent a series of diseases associated with animal reproduction.

In addition, neutering produces beneficial changes in the behavior of the dog or cat. Next, we’ll tell you about the benefits of this procedure.

cat taking injection

Benefits of Spaying Your Pet

From physiological to temperamental changes, below we’ll talk a little about the different benefits that spaying your pet brings to your furry friend.

Hormonal changes = behavior changes

In males, when removing the testicles, a very considerable change of temperament takes place. Most canine males are very territorial and even temperamental, due to the concentration of testosterone in their bodies.

Without the testicles, the animal will behave with more tranquility and submission, unlike individuals who have these organs. He also doesn’t want to urgently leave the house behind a female, which can be very problematic.

In general, the animal will be calmer and will like to be at home more. Even if you want to walk around to sate your energy, you won’t see him begging you to leave.

In females, not having the ovaries interrupts the reproductive cycle, which stops the process of estrus and menstruation. By stopping the cycle, the need to leave the house behind a pair also decreases in females.

old dog

She will be calmer and maybe even sadder in the first few days, something completely normal as she is adapting to the changes. In time, it will become more friendly and playful, even with strangers.

Also, by not having heat, the female will have no problems with males in the area, as it will be impossible for them to mate with her.

Prevents serious illnesses

It is a myth that the animal must be allowed to reach its first heat in order to be sterilized. By not doing so, there is a risk that the animal’s chances of suffering from breast or cervical cancer will increase. These diseases have a high mortality rate in both dogs and cats.

In males, the procedure prevents the transmission of diseases between members of the same genus, something important if the individual lives with animals of the same species. An example is the immunodeficiency virus in cats, which has a high mortality rate.

Also, spaying your pet will prevent future tumors and cysts from being created in areas that are difficult for the animals. The most recurrent are usually located in the anus and scrotum.

cat with tumors

Improves life expectancy

It is a scientific fact that sterilized animals have a better quality of life compared to unsterilized individuals.

If you want to increase your pet’s longevity, sterilizing your pet is a healthy way to extend your pet’s life.

That’s because the procedure helps in eradicating the aforementioned diseases. Also, the animal’s metabolism slows down a little, which increases its life expectancy. In other words, the animal will have an exceptional health in relation to its peers who have not undergone this procedure.

Prevents overpopulation

Most owners who decide to breed their animals look for the best for the offspring resulting from the union, which is very good. The problem is that this does not always happen satisfactorily.

Many of the puppies end up being given to homes in which they will live well at first, but which will later abandon the animal. This is due to economic problems and space to keep the animal comfortable. Vacations are also a reason.

Another problem is also in unstable homes, where dogs are mistreated or forced to breed, in so-called “animal farms”. This, however, does not always happen, it is noteworthy.

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