Fun Cat Bed Ideas

Fun bedding ideas for cats

If you have a feline at home, you know that one d The he most enjoys having a comfortable, intimate place to lie down and spend part of the day there. In this post, we share some ideas in fun beds for cats that you can do with your own hands . cardboard boxes O, old buckets and even an old luggage or suitcase are some of the objects you can reuse to make a super bed. Let’s meet them.

Proposals with cardboard boxes, baskets and even televisions

You cats g they like to sniff and hide. So don’t be surprised to see it tucked into a shoebox or somewhere that the human eye might miss. Its curious nature and keen sense of smell take this little animal to the most thoughtless places and cardboard boxes, for example, are one of her favorite hiding places.

There are many proposals for cat beds. Just go into a pet store and admire the numerous options . However,  You can also use your creativity with those elements you no longer use to build a fun bed for your partner .  

  • If you have a small old suitcase or luggage at home, why not use it?   put the  in horizontal position, let  the open and, inside, put  a comfortable pillow . If you want it is possible make some drawings with the help of brushes and paint. 
  • One idea very easy is to use a shoebox. If your pet is small It is possible to make a wonderful home for him. The only thing you’ll need is a pillow to put on as a base. This option it can also be made with a basket or a crate.
  • Undoubtedly, any type of surface can be used to house your little friend. It is also possible to create something very interesting using an old tire from  car . This idea is great for large spaces. Paint it in a color that matches the decor of the place, add a small mattress and presto, the job is done.
  • A computer screen or an old television  they can also be used to make a bed for your cat. Very carefully take off the screen and all the wires . Then you can paint and, if you wish, make some cat figures. Finally, put a pillow inside it and you’re done.
  • Other idea is to use an old bucket or a paint vase . The first thing you should do is cover it with foam rubber and then line it with a light fabric. Later, place  in a horizontal position so your cat can get in and out without problems.

  • how many cats , if your little friend likes to be on high, put a shelf on one of the walls of your house and, on top of it, put a small mattress.

A commonly used proposal is to build a house with two levels, with two large cardboard boxes . First, take one of the boxes and drill some holes so your cat can get in and out without a hitch.

To make the second floor, no forget to take off or cut out the base of the box that will be placed on top.  Once this is done, place the other box. With a cutter, you can cut out some frames and  sides make some windows , so that the space has light and ventilation.

In the top of the box, which is  on the second floor,  make a roof  with some cardboard left . For this, you can use part of the cardboard what took off from the base. Finally, put a The  comfortable cushion.

How to make a mattress for your cat’s bed?

cat sleeping

The surface where your Pet will lie down and spend a large part of the day should be comfortable and soft . to ride -l The , you can use an old pillow and fo rub it with a suitable cloth . Cats love this option.

You too can make a pillow with a piece of foam  and then coat with the tec gone what you want.

Finally, an old sweater can also be a good alternative . Fill the sleeves and chest with foam rubber, then gather the sleeves and close all openings. For this, it is best to use a zipped closure per, so that soon it is much easier to disassemble and wash.

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