Guide To Socializing Your Dog

Guide to socializing your dog

As soon as they are born, puppies already learn very quickly everything that concerns their lives, especially between the first six weeks and the first four months, and everything they discover while they are still small, they incorporate into their adult life, for example, socialize.

From the fourth week of age onwards, they begin to interact with other puppies, and with their owners around seven days later. Therefore, it is a good idea for him to acquire experiences with you. When he is by your side, he sees many different people, hears new noises, moves to different places and faces different situations… so that they all become known.

The animal has to get used, at its own pace, with the new situation, and in this way, it will socialize with both humans and other dogs. It is important that you take him to the vet to find out the best time to take your dog for a walk. For this, he must have already had all his vaccinations. If he still can’t walk in the open, maybe you can take him in your arms so he can see the world.

Touching our puppy a lot will help him get used to, for example, when he has to go to the vet.

The importance of socializing


Socializing a small puppy means teaching him to integrate into society, showing him how to be part of our surroundings, where there are different types of people, other animals, noises, buildings, as well as different smells and environments.

Dogs don’t integrate with their surroundings the way we humans do; on the contrary, they have to rely, from an early age, on their powerful canine sense of smell and on their body language, which is very expressive.

A puppy’s socialization begins from the moment of its birth. In this important first contact with the surroundings, the mother who has just given birth and the other siblings, littermates, will be their first approach to the world around them. For this reason, experts advise that we do not separate small dogs from their mothers before they are two months old.

Getting to know other dogs little by little is important for socializing. For that, it’s important to find a friend or someone else who has a dog that gets along well with other animals. This way, the puppy will be able to play safely and he will learn to calm down when the time comes to return home.

the collar

A dog on a leash will behave differently than one without a leash. That’s why it’s important to ask the owner of another dog if he has a collar, before introducing his dog to our puppy.

We must make sure that the adult animal is calm and that the person he walks with has good control over him to avoid any unforeseen accidents. The presentation of the puppies must be done with them securely on the leash, but with the security that our dog will be safe at all times.

the visit to the park

There are parks in all Brazilian cities. These are interesting spaces that serve as a meeting place for dogs. The puppy will enjoy it, smelling the trail that others of its kind have left and playing with whoever it meets along the way.

walking dog

Parks, however, also bring with them some implicit risks that we cannot forget if we are accompanied by a puppy. A good idea is to choose times when there is little canine concentration in the park and take a good look at the enclosure before entering your puppy.

Before entering, take a look at the dogs that are already present in the park, and make sure they are sociable by evaluating how they play and interact with the other dogs in the park. If there are signs of aggression, it is better to leave the tour for another day, especially if our pet is still small.

It is also important that we enter the park carefully, with basic security elements. For example, the puppy will be better protected with a collar, so that we can contain him soon, in case of problems.

In order to have a correct socialization of our friend, we can resort to different specialized centers, clinics, puppy schools, etc., where the little ones can enjoy and have the opportunity to interact with other animals. That way, we make sure that your socialization is happening in the right way.

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