Having A Pet Will Make You A Happier Person

Pets help fight depression, sedentary lifestyles and stress, and they also bring us many other benefits.
Having a pet will make you a happier person

When you are the owner of a pet, there  will come a time when you will notice the happiness that having a pet brings to your home  and to everyone you come into contact with.

It is scientifically proven that a pet can make its owner happier. They help us to  forget about the endless number of problems we may face in our daily lives, such as stress and depression.

How can having a pet help us?

Some psychologists at the University of Miami have found that  pet owners have a better quality of life.

In addition, they are more sociable people, because they are used to continuously interacting with another living being, which makes them more empathetic and friendly.

The same study revealed that  people who have pets develop better self-esteem  and tend to be more confident when building a new relationship.

Pets and children

Therefore, it is also  highly recommended to include pets in children’s lives.

According to studies, children who own dogs and cats are more sociable than those who do not have pets.

Remember that leaving certain cares under the responsibility of children, such as cleaning up the animals’ mess and feeding them,  helps them develop a strong sense of responsibility.

dogs and children

It is also estimated that 63% of pet owners consider the animals that live with them as members of their family. This strengthens the bond that exists between the people who take care of the pet.

Pets and mental health

It is a fact that  petting a dog can increase levels of neurotransmitters. Also hormones such as endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin and prolactin, active ingredients that make a person feel happy.

It has also been proven that thinking about pets and other animals that keep us company in everyday life keeps us away from the sadness that is generated after rejection or social isolation.

In practice,  pets can be used as therapy  with people in depression, people with autism or down syndrome.

Dogs are also used for therapeutic purposes with the elderly and, thus, they offer companionship to these people in what is known as zootherapy.

Pets are also useful  for recovering someone after a bad experience.

It has been proven that people who live with animals recover more quickly from a bad experience than when they are with a friend or their partners.

These are the  main reasons why a pet is good for us:

  • Animals catch our attention, which distracts us and helps us relax.
  • A pet provides social support, which regulates our state of stress.
  • They provide physical contact with another living being, which is good for the body and mind.

    joy that a dog brings

    A pet can  help even a college student or people who work from home  as it helps them feel accompanied and less depressed.

    Pets and physical well-being

    Having a pet can help combat a sedentary lifestyle. Dog owners are 54% more likely to get the  recommended daily amount of exercise.

    Children also benefit from physical activity when they have a dog.

    Adopting a dog or cat can lower  blood  pressure levels  in people who suffer from stress attacks, even better than medication.

    In the United States, this was proven in a study of hypertensive stock traders living in New York City.

    Another study conducted by Swiss researchers showed that interacting with a dog can  reduce heart rate and the stress hormone cortisol.

    For all these reasons,  having a pet at home will make our lives much more enjoyable. A pet helps you stay healthy physically and mentally.

    On the other hand, and despite demanding a great responsibility, they will be continually grateful and will show it to us with all the affection in the world.

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