How Do You Know If Your Dog Is In Good Health By Looking At His Feces?

How can you tell if your dog is in good health by looking at his feces?

Collecting your pet’s poop is certainly not funny. But, in addition to being a matter of hygiene, it is an action that you should take on a daily basis, as a responsible citizen who lives in the community. However, this unpleasant topic has an advantage. The fact is that,  by observing the feces, you are able to know if your dog is in good health. We tell you what you need to know about this.

Know what droppings can reveal about your dog

The fecal cake of all living beings is a great source of information about their health status and how they are feeding. Yeah, of course your dog is no exception.

So, if you like your four-legged friend, watch his feces, paying attention as you collect them. That way, you can have the peace of mind that everything is going well with the pet. Or you will have the advantage of taking him to the vet without delay if you discover something is not working well.

If he has a problem, the best thing to do is to resolve it by making some adjustments to your diet. But if there is another deeper problem, you keep your head calm for having acted immediately, a feat that will contribute, on the other hand, for the little animal to have greater and more immediate possibilities of recovery.

By observing your fecal clump, you can tell if your dog is healthy. So don’t miss the opportunity to check that everything is going well every time you collect his feces.

Check your dog’s health by watching his feces

Make sure your dog’s poop then contains a lot of important information about his digestive health. And it can also give you good clues about the quality of the food he eats.

Let’s assume that proper nutrition prevents digestion problems. A quality and appropriate feed for your pet will make its feces:

  • small
  • In moderate amount
  • With good consistency (neither soft nor hard)
  • with little odor

This is a sign that the animal is correctly absorbing all the nutrients that the food contains. On the other hand, you should take into account that the softest and most smelly poop is almost certainly indicating that the food you offer your pet has a problem. Or that your four-legged friend has a food allergy.

More things to consider when checking your pet’s poop

Other issues you should consider to know if your dog is in good health or not, depending on the state of his poop, are:

  • There is no presence of blood or mucus
  • Have a uniform odor. If the stool becomes too pale, it can be caused by a lack of digestive enzymes. A high consumption of red meat, on the other hand, will generate darker shades, due to the hemoglobin.
  • The excrement must not contain the remains of foreign elements (bones, plastics, wood, fabrics, etc.). If you find them, you must pay special attention so that your pet does not return to ingest objects that can cause choking or various problems in its digestive system.

    Some tips to preserve your pet’s digestive health

    In the end, if you want to have a healthy and strong pet, first, start feeding it correctly and check that everything goes well by observing its fecal cake. Also, remember that:

    • It is the veterinarian who should indicate to you which food is the most suitable for your pet at each stage of its life and according to its particularities. In addition, he must determine what daily portion his pet needs.
    • If you choose to offer homemade or natural foods instead of pet food, consult an animal nutrition specialist to make sure you are correctly covering your dog’s nutritional needs.
    • You should not be tempted to give your pet food prepared for humans. In addition to the fact that some ingredients can be toxic to the pets, it’s very unlikely that this “diet” will give them what they need to be well fed.
    • You should keep an eye on what your pet eats to prevent it from containing high levels of lactose or insoluble carbohydrates. These elements usually cause diarrhea in your dog.

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