How To Clean Tartar On Dogs?

How to clean tartar in dogs?

Oral cleaning in dogs is something that, without taking care of, can go unnoticed. But it’s important because it can prevent infections that, in the long run, cause more problems. Would you like to know how to clean tartar from dogs? We tell you!

What is tartar in dogs?

As in people, in dogs bacteria accumulate that form a plaque in which remains of food that will decompose. This accumulation generates tartar, which accumulates between the tooth and the gums, and is spreading, affecting the oral structures. This can lead to infections and illnesses.

owner brushing dog teeth

When our dog has tartar, there is no way to eliminate it with a brush or food. He’s going to need veterinary intervention, so it’s best to prevent that from happening. However, some breeds are more likely than others to have tartar, such as the following:

  • Small breeds, toy type : Their tooth enamel is weaker and of lesser quality than other breeds. They have smaller teeth together, and this is a problem for general cleaning, so tartar develops earlier.
  • Brachycephalic dogs: Due to the shape of the head, the teeth are closer together, which prevents a good cleaning between them and, consequently, tartar soon appears.
  • Dogs over the age of five: If we don’t take steps to prevent tartar in puppies before the age of five, it will easily show up at that age.

What are the consequences of tartar on dogs?

The infections and diseases that tartar buildup can cause are many, but the most common are these:

  • Halitosis and bad breath: Tartar is still a consequence of poor oral health, so it is clear that it causes bad breath. Which is very annoying, as it can be noticed from a distance. This problem, even if caused by tartar, may come from another oral disease that is not noticed at first sight. A visit to the veterinarian is required in these cases.
  • Gingivitis: This is a disease of the gums that is noticed by the stiffness and inflammation of the gums. Little by little, the gum separates from the tooth and leaves it unprotected, to the point where it can fall out.
  • Periodontitis: The periodontitis is usually accompanied by bad breath and gingivitis, and appears because of the buildup of tartar. The loss of teeth is the least serious that can happen to the animal, because this disease attacks the mouth and creates a series of problems. The infection can reach the dog’s eyes and nose.
  • Varied Infections: Not treating the aforementioned diseases can result in larger infections, which affect vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, intestine and others.

How to prevent tartar in dogs

Given the importance of tartar buildup in dogs, an important question arises: how to prevent it? Well, check out these advices and avoid problems:

brush the dog's teeth

  • Brush daily: Just as we brush daily, this is something our pets need too. This requires effort from the owners, but it’s worth it and prevents further upsets.
  • Special food and toys: There are many accessories on the market that help prevent tartar, as well as pet food and treats. Talk to the veterinarian and ask for a professional recommendation.
  • Conserve your health: If the pet’s general health is okay, so is the dental health. Feed him the right waywith good quality feed, and make him exercise daily.

They say there is no better defense than a good offense. If you start attacking tartar on dogs before it appears, you’ll have fewer worries later and your dog will have a healthy mouth.

Main image source: Steel Wool

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