How To Prevent Canine Addiction

How to prevent canine addiction

Many people realize after some time living with their pet that it depends a lot on the owner. Surely a dog must have a certain level of dependence, because it needs humans to eat, drink and stay protected.

However, when this dependence reaches its extreme, it is not beneficial to either party. What to do then in the face of canine addiction?

What is canine addiction

Dogs that suffer from canine addiction are those that need to be close to their owners at all times to be happy and feel safe. If it’s different, they suffer. This is not a behavior that is born with a dog, but something that he acquires over time, and a large part of the blame is usually on the owners, even if other factors influence them, such as:

dog and owner

  • early weaning
  • Mother stress during pregnancy
  • Not having self-management tools for their education and creation
  • Excessive stimulation during the puppy stage

However, we should not confuse separation anxiety with canine addiction. Separation anxiety is something that usually happens to puppies, and it usually fades over time when trust between the dog and its owner grows. The separation anxiety is also something timely that soon passes when the animal is left alone.

On the other hand, canine dependence goes even further, as it means that a dog cannot be happy when its owners are not with him.

How Canine Dependence Affects Dogs

Canine dependence generates a lack of happiness in the animal, as this depends on the companionship of the owners. Also, it can create a lot of stress and this can lead to serious health problems. This is because he may stop eating or suffer from depression.

According to a famous professional trainer, “The metabolic wastage that comes with high levels of stress works just like it does with people. This dependence causes the dog to age earlier, and its quality of life in advanced ages is much worse”.

There are those who believe that some breeds are more dependent on their owners than others, but this is not entirely true. The dog breeds are not born being dependent, but become dependent on several factors, as we said, especially the education received. So what can you do to avoid raising a dog with canine dependence?

How not to raise a dependent dog

There are several things we can do when raising a dog so that he is not dependent. These are a few:

owner hugging dog on the beach

  1. If your dog is in the habit of following you, perhaps because he learned it as a puppy, this needs to stop. When you get home and greet him with pampering and affection, it will be time for everyone to go to their place. Teach him two or three words that make him understand that he should go to his bed or his place.
  2. Be firm and constant. If you decide that the dog should go to his place after the greeting, always do so. Don’t do this over and over again, he won’t understand and you won’t be able to make him not dependent.
  3. Affection. Not wanting your dog not to have canine addiction doesn’t mean we should put him out of our life. We just have to find the balance so that it depends just enough.
  4. Don’t humanize it. A dog is and always will be a dog. Give him his place, but don’t humanize him. If you do, the animal will depend on you and won’t be able to be happy when you’re not around.

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