How To Refresh Your Horse In Summer?

In addition to moisturizing it with water, it is necessary to provide a fresh environment and even be willing to give it a good bath.
How to cool your horse in summer?

During the summer months, with the arrival of high temperatures and flies, you may wonder what is the best way to refresh your horse. Horses are warm-blooded animals, so they adapt more easily to low, cold temperatures. However, summer is a bit difficult season for horses, so you need to be careful.

Questions to consider for refreshing your horse in summer

It is very important to detect certain key factors to keep our horse healthy during the warmer months. During the summer, this animal suffers severe dehydration and a lot of exhaustion.

Along with the above, the heat also favors the arrival of insects that bother the horses and can even cause infections. So, to avoid all these situations, it is necessary to consider some precautions.

Hydration, a key factor

As with all living beings, hydration is essential for the development of organic processes. When exposed to intense heat, the necessary water consumption is higher. In the case of horses, dehydration is even more noticeable, and so their owners should pay special attention.

You need to check your drinking fountains frequently and make sure they have clean, fresh water. The water temperature is also important, having to range between 10°C and 14°C; in addition, it is also essential to make sure that the drinking fountains are hygienic to avoid possible illnesses.

A hidratação, um fator fundamental para os cavalos

When the horse does not consume enough water, it loses a lot of mineral salts through perspiration. Hydration is a vital issue for horses and a fundamental aspect of their daily care.

Bathing the horse, a good way to refresh it

During hot weather it is also advisable to bathe our equine friend. This is an excellent way to cool off your horse during the summer; however, at bath time, it is important to know the most appropriate way to do this.

If the horse has just exercised it is not advisable to bathe it immediately as this can be harmful to its health. It is essential to let it go through the sweating process first and then wet it little by little. There are some good habits so that the animal does not notice a sudden change in temperature, which could have consequences on its musculoskeletal system.

Ensure a fresh environment

As we can see, the horses are warm – blooded animals, so that their body temperature is high, around 37-38 ° C. Therefore, when they are exposed to high temperatures or environments that are too hot, so the affects a lot.

In addition to hydration as a primary aspect, it is also necessary to take into account the environment where the horse will be. Ensuring a cool environment is a good way to cool a horse in summer.

Ensure a cool environment for the horses

If the animal spends a lot of time outdoors, it is very positive that it has shaded spaces where it can feel cooler. On the other hand, if he is in a stable, it is advisable to ensure some light airflow to cool him down.

beware of excessive exercise

During the summer months, horses suffer from high temperatures and this affects their energy levels. Therefore, it is important that, during very hot days, the animal reduces the intensity of work. In addition, it is necessary to consider the appropriate time for exercise and avoid exposure to times of greater incidence of sunlight.

Insects, a common problem during the summer

With the arrival of high temperatures, there is also a greater movement of insects, especially flies. They can be excessively unpleasant for horses and, in addition, can also cause problems such as infections or summer dermatitis, for example.

It is an important issue to try to keep insects away from horses. So that they are not a problem, we will pay attention to certain aspects, such as the water in the drinking fountains, the hygiene of the horse, the cleaning of the stables, among other things.

These little things are essential to keeping your horse healthy during the summer. These hot months are difficult for our horses and this can also affect their health.

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