How To Take Care Of An Agaporni?

How to take care of an Agaporni?

Today we are going to talk about one of the most beautiful and interesting birds in the world, we want to introduce you to Agaporni. They originate from the African continent and, due to their monogamy and fidelity, are also known as the “inseparables” or “love parrots”.

The name Agaporni comes from the Greek Agape, which means love and affection, and from ornis, which means bird. The Agaporni is a kind of small parrot, with a short tail and very colorful feathers.

They are a small species, but what makes them more fascinating is the fact that they maintain strong bonds with their peers, whether male or female.

They spend so much time together that even their feathers get stuck together. Isn’t it romantic?

Features of Agaporni

Curiosidades do Agaporni

The Agaporni is a species of Psittaciformes bird that lives in the region of Tanzania and Kenya, although it is very common to breed in captivity.

It is a bird very similar physically to the parrot and with beautiful specimens of colored plumage. It has, on average, 12.5 to 15 cm.

Some characteristics may vary between males and females, which are more skittish than males. They can imitate sounds, including the human voice, but they never actually speak.

The Agaporni is an animal that has more than 300 different species and that live in different places.

Agaporni care

The Agaporni is a beautiful bird, but it needs special care, we cannot forget that it is a tropical African bird, therefore, the place where it should live should be as close as possible to its natural habitat.

You must live in a spacious place and, of course, always with your partner.

They are not used to living with other species and this must be respected. Above all, make sure you don’t have dogs and cats around, as Agaporni can become easy prey for them.

Agaporni food

They must have a healthy and balanced diet, but it doesn’t differ much from the diet of other birds. They feed on oats, canary seed, sunflower seeds or a mixture of different seeds.

From time to time, you can also add fruits such as mangoes and vegetables such as carrots to your diet.

However, if you decide to add these foods to the Agaporni diet, you should wash them well and cut them into very small pieces so they don’t choke.

They also need calcium, which can be provided through an egg-based or Siba bone porridge. But be careful! Do not give dairy products as they can lose their feathers and even die.

The Agaporni habitat

Agaporni, um pássaro muito especial

The place where Agaporni lives should always be clean and always have fresh water nearby.  It must be  ventilated and have a mild temperature, that is, neither cold nor heat.

Being a tropical bird, it needs sun. Thus, it will always look healthy and its feathers will sport deeper colors.

When winter does not provide direct sunlight, we should place a small 5 watt ultraviolet light bulb in your room for at least 3 hours a day.

Sometimes it is necessary to spray them with water, at least twice a day, this way we keep the Agaporni feathers moist.

It’s also very important to incorporate a toy into his habitat so he can exercise, but be careful not to choose a toy that’s too big so it doesn’t scare him.

family life

It is basic and essential to always have a couple of Agaporni, hence its name, this is essential for their health.

They can start to reproduce after the first year of life. The female can lay up to 8 eggs, and the mother-to-be will hatch and care for them for approximately 25 days. The  father will also help create the puppies.

The small birds will be born with a plumage, which they will later lose and will give way to more beautiful and colorful feathers. The chicks leave the nest approximately 40 days after birth.

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