If Raw Milk Is Dangerous, Why Do You Want To Sell It?

This issue must be understood from the perspective of small farmers who, when forced to pasteurize their milk to market it, have to go through intermediaries, who keep most of the profit.
If raw milk is dangerous, why do you want to sell it?

A few weeks ago, the Spanish region of Catalonia announced that it will allow the sale of unpasteurized milk. However, according to studies, this raw milk is dangerous, so the measure shocked a large part of society.

Is raw milk dangerous?

Any food that has not been heat treated or washed properly involves certain dangers. So yes, raw milk is dangerous, just like chicken or other products.

However, while we normally cook chicken, in many European countries it has been seen that few people boil raw milk.

If you don’t go through pasteurization, a process that eliminates bacteria, you need to boil raw milk at home. However, this must be done correctly, as raw milk is dangerous if not treated properly.

Although many media have warned of dangers such as bovine brucellosis, the truth is that this disease is considered eradicated in countries like Spain.

In short, this milk is dangerous if not consumed responsibly. Therefore, regardless of whether it is allowed or not, we must recommend not consuming it if we are not able to carry out a correct pasteurization.

If raw milk is dangerous, why do you want to sell it?

Although raw milk is dangerous, few have investigated the reasons behind the intention to sell these types of products.

Many have justified it as another pseudoscientific modality, just like veterinary homeopathy. However, this topic is much deeper and more controversial.

One of the main real reasons for allowing the sale of raw milk is to give greater autonomy to farmers, especially those who participate in extensive cattle raising.

The sale of raw milk would allow them to sell their milk directly to consumers without resorting to various intermediaries, which retain much of their profits.

Currently, most cattle farms must sell their milk to large multinationals. These companies collect the product, pasteurize it and distribute it through supermarkets.

While this may seem convenient to farmers, the truth is that such companies keep a large percentage of the final product price. This means that farmers need to sell their products below production cost.

In other words, for small milk producers, it can cost more to produce milk than the money they earn with it, which leads them to bankruptcy.

Is raw cow's milk dangerous?

Why are small farmers needed?

These farms are generally where the cows have larger grazing areas and are better cared for, compared to the intensive farming of large farms. In addition, extensive cattle raising brings great benefits to the environment.

Not only that; the farms encourage the development of these areas with less polluting operations. This is extremely important and very necessary for some species such as the barn owl.

Furthermore, these farms are those that have to live with species of carnivores, such as the wolf or the jaguar. Therefore, their loss of purchasing power affects all fronts, including the conservation of these animals.

That is why, although the sale of raw milk is dangerous, the truth is that we must look for the reasons behind this movement and try to find alternatives to improve the conditions of livestock.

There are many products that you can buy in your city’s markets or local producers that are not dangerous. Use them if you want to help rural development and the environment without risking your health.

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