Is It Dangerous To Play Laser With Your Pet?

Is it dangerous to play laser with your pet?

Laser lights are in fashion and have also become a toy for pets. In fact, they look like an innocent toy to our companions. Whether cats or dogs, as soon as they see this little light running across the floor, they don’t stop and run after it.

But, of course, they can’t catch it because it’s just a reflex you can’t grab. But what can this do to your pet? Is the laser really a harmless game as we think, capable of making our pet move, or does it also hide some danger?

Are laser games dangerous for our pets?


Despite the laser’s acquired fame among pet owners as well, animal health experts assure that while they are fun for the pets, they can also wreak havoc on the pet’s health.

The fact is, animals chase the small light because of their innate hunting instinct. But not all animals are the same and not all hunting instincts are the same.

While there are some animals that quickly realize there is something they can’t get (like a laser light) and give up, there are others that are more persevering and won’t stop at anything.

For the second type of animal, a light laser can be potentially dangerous because it will be crazy to catch it every time you see something like this on the floor, ceiling or walls, and will do the impossible to reach it reaching to suffer even an accident.

This can also turn into an obsession that will lead to a change in the animal’s behavior, making it believe that there are laser lights everywhere, even when there isn’t. This will cause the animal a situation of constant stress, something that will put its physical and mental health at risk.

According to canine educator Sam Basso, there are “many animals that have suffered physical or mental damage from laser light. It caused in them a compulsive behavior that incited them to run around the house and jump around looking for lights and shadows that don’t even exist, thus creating a constant anxiety that does not allow them to be at peace”.

When it’s not dangerous to play with a laser

Although, as we have seen and as experts attest, laser light can pose health hazards to your pet, when properly used it can be the ideal exercise that will keep your furry friend in shape.

So, how to use laser light correctly so as not to endanger our pet’s health?


  • Positive reinforcement. Although we don’t try to teach anything with this game, the prizes are never too much. When your pet can “reach” the light, reward it with pets, a treat, or anything else it likes. This will motivate the animal to run after the light and exercise, thus promoting its good health.
  • Don’t move the light everywhere. We already know that seeing a light run all over the place is fun, but it’s also stressful for your pet. Center the light on the floor, or a wide surface, and have your pet run after it. Centering or running the light across the ceiling, walls, or other places your pet cannot reach will do nothing but cause your pet anxiety.
  • Let him win. Your animal must have rewarded your effort and you’ll get it by letting him win. When he’s done the necessary exercise, let your pet catch the light and make the beam disappear, thus making him believe he’s grabbed it or, better yet, destroyed it. Then calm will come instead of anxiety.
  • Hide treasures. You can use the light to guide your pet to something you’ve hidden or to a new toy you’ve bought for him. This way, your pet will exercise, will be rewarded and will not be stressed. A brilliant idea!

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