Is It Necessary To Socialize Cats?

Despite their independent nature, in the kitten stage cats require a mother’s own attention. If the owner moves away from the animal at this age, it will experience separation anxiety.
Is it necessary to socialize cats?

We hear a lot about the importance of socializing dogs, but is it necessary to socialize cats? Let’s see if the environment influences them and, if so, how we can best socialize them.

The importance of socializing cats

Although cats are much more independent than dogs, their character and personality when they are puppies is very similar. They are nervous and this nervousness increases when the mother leaves and disappears when she returns.

Studies have shown that this  bond  itself is created when the little cat is fed from the start by a human, but this bond is not healthy. Once the person is separated from the kitten, the kitten suffers from the dreaded separation anxiety,  which puts the animal into a stressful situation that can drag on for life.

This is why socialization, when correct, will be very beneficial to puppies. The ideal is to do it when cats are small. Interacting with the mother when she gives birth and cuddling the little pussies will be the first step towards a good relationship.

cat and girl

What else to do to socialize cats

avoid the noises

It is important that in the  first days of life there are no noises or circumstances that can stress the cats. If this happens, they can get nervous and social relationships with other people or the like can be difficult.

let others see

Many people tend not to allow other people, friends and neighbors to see newborn kittens  , much less touch them. Rest assured, they won’t break down, and interacting with different people will help them become sociable and calm, preparing them for future situations.

when he is older

If your puppy has grown up or you have adopted a new cat, there are guidelines to follow that will help you socialize cats.

Put it in its own space

For a cat to feel  relaxed, stable and at home, it  is essential that you have a space in which he is comfortable and that suits his needs. The ideal is to be an open space where there is not a lot of furniture, with good ventilation but not cold, and where there is not much noise.

Don’t forget to put your food bowl, water cooler, litter box and toys there, so that he feels at home.

give him food

Feeding it with your hands will bring it closer to you and start to lose the fear of people, which will later help you to relate to other people besides the owners. Try playing with the food when you notice your cat is looser, hide it and let her find it, and finally give the food as a reward.

play with him

It’s normal that it’s hard for cats to relate to people because we’re so different. We can say that they see us as giants in command and to remove that image we have to show them a different face.

cat and owner

Play is the best way to do this. At first it can be a little strange, but if you know how to choose the games he likes, he will gradually feel more comfortable and loose, to the point where he can play non-stop for hours on end.

This  will make him change the projected image he has of people.  It is also likely that when his family or friends approach him, he will react differently.

Cats, like dogs, are group animals and enjoy being with others despite their independent nature. If he doesn’t have a feline family, you’re all that’s left, and  having a good relationship with you will help him to be happy, stable, and balanced.  That’s how cats have a calm relationship with other felines and with other people.

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