Learn Why Dog ​​is Man’s Best Friend

The dog is man’s best friend, this is a world-famous phrase. As if that wasn’t enough, new studies have revealed why this phrase is so sure. Living with a dog has numerous benefits. We will talk about some of them and this new scientific research.

Although this phrase always applies to mankind and not just to men, new scientific research demonstrates that this statement can be taken literally : The dog is man’s best friend (of all men).

Benefits of living with a dog

Living with a dog has numerous benefits for our emotional and physical health. So much so that it has been proven that children who grow up with dogs are happier and have a lower risk of getting sick.

For all people, regardless of whether they are children, women or men, these are some of the advantages of having a dog and living with it:

  • Decreases loneliness. For those who live alone, having a dog is the best solution. Never again will you arrive at your house and it will be empty, you will always have a person in a good mood waiting for you and who will receive you with affection and “a smile”.
  • Prevents disease. Dogs go outside and carry bacteria and other germs with them, so little by little we become immune when we live with a dog. Having a dog as a pet can improve asthma. Also, because of the exercise we will be doing when we take you for a walk, we can prevent heart disease.
  • It improves our physical health. Having a dog is an extra responsibility and it keeps us going. Having an exercise program helps us to be healthy inside and out.
  • Reduces stress. The presence of an animal has been proven to reduce stress, as a well-known brand of pet food has taught us.

We could spend all day listing the benefits that a dog can bring to our lives, but we’ll talk about the specific advantages these animals bring to men.

The dog is man’s best friend, or men’s

Several health and scientific research entities collaborate in this research. The Madocan canine training club and the association of therapy and assistance dogs Mr. Dogs helped the Urology Service of the Santa Luzia Hospital in Cartagena and the Health Area II of the Murciano Service, in Spain.

These studies proved that dogs are the best detectors for prostate cancer, a very common type of cancer that only affects men and can end in death. How do they do it?

Through your nose. We all know the complexity that the olfactory system has in dogs, as they are able to store smells in their minds and remember them even after several years.

In this case, a group of dogs was trained so that they could differentiate the scent they were looking for. They offered urine samples from different types of people, both healthy patients and sick patients. The group of dogs got the diagnosis right in 87% of the cases.

This can be a great scientific advance to prevent or be able to treat in time this disease that causes so much suffering.

The professionals involved promise to keep working to get results and some even more accurate statistics. Scientists want to train different groups of dogs for different illnesses, cancer or others, and thus be able to continue advancing and saving lives.

This is not the first experiment of its kind to be carried out. Many others have already proven that dogs can detect cancer without the need for extensive tests, although this was the first to achieve such a high success rate.

They say the dog is man’s best friend, but have you ever thought that he could save many men’s lives?

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