My Dog ​​attacks Other Dogs: How Can I Fix This?

If your dog attacks other dogs, you should look for a quick fix for this before the problem gets bigger.

While it’s true that not all dogs get along well together, it would be normal for them to be friendly to each other.

Don’t forget that you are also responsible for your pet’s behavior and, if you don’t resolve your dog’s aggression, things can get worse and eventually lead to claims for injuries and the payment of medical expenses or fines.c

How to identify a dog with aggressive behavior

If a dog is aggressive and attacks its peers, it will certainly manifest some of the following behaviors, in the presence of another dog, it may come to:

  • Bark frantically.
  • It will look like a runaway horse.
  • It will bite into the air.

And if you make the mistake of unleashing it, it’s likely to run towards another animal to attack you. Keep in mind that separating two, or more dogs, that fight is not an easy task, and that more than one of them can get hurt, whether animal or human.

Possible causes why dogs attack each other

The aggressive behavior of dogs can have different reasons. Between them:

  • Lack of socializing with other dogs as a puppy.
  • Fear because of a traumatic experience. For example: a fight with a dog that attacked you.
  • This dog has changed its behavior and feels threatened by everything.
  • Inappropriate education regarding relationships with other dogs.
  • Dominance.

First steps

If your dog has attacked other dogs or you suspect he might do so, you have to avoid these situations. The first thing that is imposed in these cases is the use of the muzzle until you can modify your animal’s aggressive behavior.

Basket muzzles are ideal, because through the openings in the front, you can reward him with an edible prize if you make any progress in modifying these aggressive attitudes.

It is also recommended that you use a breastplate, those that allow you to maneuver the animal to easily deflect it from its object of aggression.

Mistakes You Should Avoid If Your Dog Attacks Other Dogs

There are very common attitudes that owners often have towards their pets when trying to suppress and change aggressive behaviors, but which unfortunately tend to have the opposite effect.

You should avoid:

  • Correct him. If the dog is nervous about the presence of another dog he will not understand the reason for the correction.
  • Punish him. Do not yell or hit him. Do not use punishment collars, chokes or electrical impulse collars. This will only overwhelm him further in an already stressful situation.
  • Pull the strap. You could injure the animal’s neck.
  • Take him to a park or other place where there are lots of dogs. You will generate more traumatic experiences.

Solutions for your pet not to be aggressive with other dogs

With patience you will be able to reduce the aggressive behavior of your furry towards your other canine companions and also towards human beings. Pay attention to the following tips:

  • Be proactive. Maintaining a routine eliminates stress from your pet.
  • Learn to identify your dog’s signs of calm and nervousness. This way, you will be able to anticipate possible conflict situations and avoid them in time.
  • Schedule short trips to places with little traffic. You should aim at relaxing the animal.
  • Practice basic training commands so that the dog begins to respect them also in scenarios of confrontation with other dogs.
  • Always use positive reinforcement. Reward him whenever he fulfills an order correctly.
  • Exercise it physically and mentally.

How to leave aggressive behavior behind

When you think you’ve gone far enough in modifying your pet’s behavior, ask a friend or family member who has a dog, who you can be sure won’t respond to aggressive behavior, to help you out.


The idea is that, at a controlled distance and in places where you can deal with any disorders, your furry will start to relate to another animal in a more normal way, leaving aggression aside.

Don’t think this will happen right away. But, step by step and every day, things will certainly return to normal and this stigma of your dog attacking other dogs will fade to make way for a happy pet that knows how to enjoy the walks with its owner.

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