My Dog ​​has Nausea

Cases of seasickness in dogs can put their owners in a state of alert, in addition to being an indication of more serious problems. The causes can be many and it is important that the veterinarian proposes the appropriate treatment after diagnosis.

If the dog gets sick, it can be an ear problem.

Dogs can get nauseous when the middle ear, inner ear, or cerebellum change. In the middle and inner ears there is a fluid that helps the animal’s brain to maintain balance and spatial orientation. When these areas of the body are affected by an infection, disease or other condition, the dog’s brain tells his body that it is out of balance and he becomes dizzy.

As with people, some dogs are more prone to hypoglycemia. When this happens, the animal can get nauseous. In these cases, treatment includes supplementation or a special diet, preventing future episodes of seasickness.

Some causes of seasickness in dogs

Bites and stings from some insects, such as bees, can also cause nausea in dogs. On some occasions, a dog may feel nauseated after being bitten by an animal, which is one of the most common causes of changes in the middle and inner ears.

Most infections that affect the animal’s ear can be treated with the use of antibiotics. When the infection is chronic and severe, surgery may be needed to relieve the pressure inside the middle and inner ears, preventing the dog from experiencing dizziness again.

In the case of vestibular diseases, nausea is another side effect. If the illness has been successfully treated, the seasickness should subside over time, but if the illness persists, then the seasickness is likely to continue as well.

Heart disease can also cause dizziness, usually related to exhaustion. Animals with advanced-stage cancer can also often experience nausea, especially when the tumor invades the brain or the area around the ears.

What to do if the dog gets sick?

In cases of dizziness, dogs may have difficulty walking or even holding their heads up. It is important that the animal stays still. You can make him sit upside down or lay him on the floor with his back slightly raised. Covering the dog so it doesn’t get cold helps, even if it isn’t shivering.

Do not make the dog eat or drink after an episode of dizziness, much less shake him to react. Ideally, take your pet to the vet, even if he seems to be feeling better, to determine the causes of seasickness.

The trip

In some cases, dogs are very ill on car trips, which causes concern and suffering to their owners. When the animal gets on the car and the journey begins, they start to vomit. Fortunately, there is a solution for this. First, familiarize the dog with the vehicle, as he wants to be comfortable in the car with the engine off.

Another thing that works is raising and lowering the animal in the car several times, until it calms down and realizes that there is nothing to worry about. You must also prevent the animal from feeding for at least 5 hours before the trip, also limiting access to water. The dog must travel on an empty stomach to prevent vomiting.

On the market, there are many medications indicated for dogs with a tendency to seasickness that considerably reduce the symptoms and have no side effects for our four-legged friend. There are also some natural products.

The animal must be calm before traveling and we must not play with it or start any other activity that makes it restless. Instead of entertaining the animal, we will be making the nausea appear more quickly.

the right way to drive

There are other very useful advices, such as driving calmly, without braking or accelerating sharply, with air conditioning or continuous fresh air to oxygenate the animal, avoiding strong odors in the car. It is also recommended to make regular stops for the animal to do its needs, drink some water and stretch its legs.

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