My Dog ​​is Blind… What Can I Do?

Due to the normal process of vision deterioration due to age, or due to an illness, or due to an accident, or a problem of birth, blindness is something many owners must face. So, we will give the follow some recommendations on actions that can be taken when one dog is blind.

How to detect if a dog is blind

Blindness can present itself as a slight decrease in vision or acutely and permanently. Normally, it can be seen that the dog is blind because he does not react to light stimuli. That way, he’ll walk around disoriented and hit objects that you move, or walls and furniture, in case he doesn’t know the space.

When a dog gradually loses his sight , may also be nervous, disoriented, will withdraw or stay hidden.

An appointment with the vet can give an accurate diagnosis of the severity of the blindness suffered by the animal and whether it is reversible, degenerative or complete.

It is harder to detect blindness in a dog. you that have born with the blindness of those who gradually lose their sight, since these are used to not seeing and usually adapt very well to your indoor condition.

But when you move objects, for example, furniture or changing your plate of food place , will be disoriented or hit new things at. The same happens when take along  your companion for a walk outside the house.

If blindness is progressive, you may notice that he doesn’t catch the ball or the objects you throw the first time, or he will be uncomfortable when you take him for a walk at night and will be more clumsy than usual. . When blindness is in one eye, he will have difficulty calculating distances or measuring depth.

What that can cause blindness in a dog

There are many causes that can cause c. therefore, the manifestations also happen in many ways. . Among the most common pathologies are:

Lens diseases, for example,  cataracts ;

Retinal degenerations;

Optic nerve inflammation;

Glaucoma ;


Blows or scratches to the eyes;


Most diseases that produce blindness are treatable. and, in some cases, reversal available. However, there are cases where it can be irreversible, so it should adapt to make su the easier life.

How to help a blind dog

blindness in the khan es, once they are used to it, it is practically unnoticed in the spaces that are usual for them , so one thing you should be aware of is not moving the objects to prevent your dog from hitting them.

This is because they have a very good sense of orientation, m of one o fact and very well refined ears, that help them stay oriented.

In case your dog has recently gone blind, the best thing you can do is to buy a variety of protection belts, with rods at the ends that will help them to locate themselves and avoid bumping, at least while getting used to the space and the new condition.

one thing you can do is using his other senses to help him locate himself . For example, use different essences to mark places in the house, roses for the kitchen, lavender for the dining room, cinnamon for the bedroom. This will allow you to create a scent map that will help your dog navigate the house.

IT’S best use in small quantities, as already we know, O smell of dogs is very sensitive, so a small amount of essence will be enough to help your dog notice the differences between environments.

You can also adopt a tactile record  like a rug , close to places such as stairs or slopes. available. How to pass of time, your dog will assimilate the tactile sensation with the reference of the object, which will prevent it from falling and suffering a accident .

You should avoid leaving it in high places, as it can fall and, therefore, cause a problem for your animal. . You should also avoid risky situations, such as taking him for walks. collarless or without a lead, a situation that is not recommended even for dogs with excellent eyesight.

When a dog is blind, it is possible to lead a perfectly normal life . You just have to be careful with some aspects and let him learn to find the space and develop the capabilities, so not the overprotect.

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