Nausea In Cats: Causes And Treatments

Nausea is a common symptom in several pathologies that affect cats, as well as a natural defense of the body.
Nausea in cats: causes and treatments

Nausea in cats and posterior vomiting are controlled by a very complex coordinated reflex, which ultimately causes the stomach to empty. This reflex is regulated by a set of neurons located along the brainstem, a structure of the central nervous system that links the brain with the spinal cord.

These neurons can be activated by a set of stimuli, both external and internal. When activated, they send a signal to the stomach, which then begins to move spasmodically, causing the urge to vomit and nausea.

Difference between vomiting and regurgitation

Cats are expert regurgitators, so we must differentiate when they expel undigested content and when they expel digested content.

Vomiting is characterized by containing partially digested food that was inside the stomach. In addition, he is often expelled for reasons other than the cat.

On the other hand, regurgitation is the ability to expel undigested substances that are in the end of the mouth, esophagus or stomach. Cats regurgitate mainly to expel the hairballs that form in their digestive tract due to their constant grooming habits.

cat vomit

In this case, it is vital that the cat always have access to the gateira herb, as it facilitates the passage of the hairballs.

Causes of Nausea in Cats

Nausea in cats is ultimately an upset stomach that incites vomiting. Situations that cause actual or potential damage to the stomach and attached glands can cause nausea.


As with other mammals, pregnancy can cause nausea in female cats. They, in turn, are caused by multiple reasons, such as, for example, the hormonal changes themselves, the fact of avoiding the ingestion of harmful foods for the fetuses, tiredness, etc.

car travel

The car sickness that travels by car causes in some pets is due to the organ in charge of balance and proprioception, the vestibular system. It starts sending a multitude of signals to the brain, which cannot understand where in space-time it is, and thus triggers nausea and vomiting.

cat traveling by car

Acute gastritis and nausea in cats

Acute gastritis can result in nausea. In this disease, the stomach is irritated and even damaged. Therefore, he will avoid taking part of the food he receives and will try to expel it.

Pancreatitis and other pancreas-related pathologies

The pancreas has an exocrine function due to which it expels enzymes that participate in the digestion of food. When this organ doesn’t work properly, it doesn’t separate these substances. Therefore, the digestion is not completed and the bolus is expelled.

Accidental consumption of toxic substances

The ingestion of toxic substances, such as, for example, houseplants, poison or cleaning products, undoubtedly causes a lot of nausea in the animal, which will end up vomiting.

strong smells

Some smells, such as citrus, acetate, dental hygiene products, among others, cause nausea in cats that are more sensitive to them.

Nausea Treatments in Cats

To treat nausea in cats, you must first know what is causing it and, if possible, eliminate the causative agent.

Generally, for the symptomatic treatment of nausea, antiemetics are used, drugs that reduce the peristaltic movements of the digestive tract.

In cases where the stomach is damaged, and this fact is the causative agent of nausea, it is recommended to make a change in diet and even submit the cat to a 24-hour fast.

This is because intestinal emptying favors the recovery of the intestinal flora, the reduction of digestive substances and, therefore, the relaxation of the digestive tract.

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