Project Increases Visibility Of Animal Shelters Around The World

Project increases visibility of animal shelters around the world

A camera and a high-speed internet connection. These two technological tools allow connecting points around the world, overcoming barriers and reducing distances.

Now, these facilities can also be used, free of charge, by shelters and institutions that help our animal friends, through the Animals Life NET project, which we talk about in detail in this article.

What is the Animals Life NET project?

The project originated in Latvia, an eastern European country, and is the social arm of a video streaming company . They created a simple but original concept that has served to help many institutions around the world that care for helpless animals.

The project offers cameras for shelters that want to, and a live, uninterrupted broadcast service of the shelter’s daily life (only from areas that the institution wants to show, of course). It also creates a small website with basic information about the shelter, such as contact information, address and telephone number.

A strong point is that the shelter can specify on its website what it needs: rations, medicines, cleaning products, toys… and so, people from all over the world can view the images and make a donation through the website. When the products collected reach a certain value, they are sent free of charge to the beneficiary shelter.

How can my shelter participate?

dog shelter

You can contact Animals Life NET through the website, sending them a message and informing them that you are interested in participating in the project. There is also the project’s Facebook profile.

Your shelter just needs to have broadband internet and be responsible for installing the cameras, which are sent free by the Post Office, after you register for the project. In some cases, when the shelter cannot pay for the installation, the project can also help in this regard.

According to its organizers, the project is “a real opportunity to help stray animals around the world and see the results of their help through live cameras” .

Adoption, sponsorship and volunteering

Animal Shelter Volunteer

For those who want to adopt a pet, the project also offers the opportunity. You can watch the images and, if you find a pet in your region that you like, you can apply to adopt it. You can also volunteer or to sponsor an abandoned animal.

Godfathers and godmothers contribute a monthly amount that is used by the shelter to purchase feed, vaccines, visits to the veterinarian, purchase of medication and other services and products necessary for the animal’s well-being.

People from all over the world have been mobilizing for the animal cause through the internet, and this project seems to come to stay, being another opportunity to support our furry friends.

Benefits for animal shelters that become project partners:

  • Possibility of receiving help from people all over the world without interruption
  • Greater visibility of the shelter
  • Increased adoption rate
  • Disclosure of the animal cause
  • Live images of the shelter’s daily life available to the world

So far, around 30 shelters and sanctuaries from various countries are participating in the project. Brazil still has no subscribers, despite the large number of institutions that help animals on Brazilian soil.

“Animals Life NET is a unique global project in support of homeless animals. The project brings together shelters and sanctuaries from around the world. Any internet user who visits the site will be able to buy the products the shelters need or contribute with veterinary costs or other services”.

Shelters need our help

All over the world, it is up to civil society to take care of abandoned and stray animals, because the government of countries often turns its back on the sad reality in which animals live.

Thus, citizens take it upon themselves to take care of our four-legged friends. In this scenario, the shelters and sanctuaries are like “oases in a desert”, offering a little more structured help to the cause.

dogs in a shelter

But they often find themselves overcrowded, bankrupt and unable to accommodate new animals – and many end up closing their doors for lack of incentives. Let’s not let that happen. We can become sponsors, volunteers and regular donors, embracing the cause of the little animals. 

“We are very satisfied with this project. Allows us to control dogs permanently in the shelter. Donors can see what’s going on at the shelter and how the dogs are doing. When there are fights between animals, we can also see in time. We hope that the people who see the images of the shelter understand our need for help to feed and care for the more than 300 animals we have taken in”, says the representative of a shelter in Romania.

Who knows will benefit your shelter too?

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