Pros And Cons Of Taking Your Dog To The Park

Pros and cons of taking your dog to the park

Unless they have a specific problem, dogs love to go for a walk. And if the route includes some green area, where they can explore at will, even better, especially if they live in apartments. Today we are going to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of taking your dog to the park.

Good reasons for your dog to go to the park

In life, not everything is perfect and, despite the great benefits that your four-legged friend will have when walking through a park, you should be aware of the possible drawbacks. This doesn’t mean that after reading this article you will limit or eliminate your pet’s trips to these places, but it’s always good to know what you can face to avoid any nasty surprises. Or to know how to act in certain unexpected situations.

dog walking

But the best thing is to start by listing the good reasons to take your dog to the park:

  • Socialization. Contact with other animals and people, in addition to exposure to different situations and contexts, is essential for your furry one, especially when it is still a puppy.
  • The exercise. A dog needs to exercise daily to maintain a good physical and mental balance. The park can be a good place to do this.
  • The possibility to explore. Dogs love to explore and inspect new places, especially with their nose. Let him sniff everything for as long as he likes, even if he sometimes puts his snout close to things that are unpleasant to you.
  • The joke. A good green area is ideal for interacting with your pet. Play with him as much as you can and allow him to play with other dogs too.

Disadvantages that may arise during the walk in the park

Among the things you should write down in the cons column when going for a walk in the park with your dog are:

  • It can contract parasites, both internal and external, or other diseases.
  • He can attack or be attacked by another dog, getting hurt.
  • He can run away.
  • He could have an accident.
  • They can steal it from you.

Rest assured. All the negative points mentioned above can be avoided if you take some preventive measures.

So if you’re taking your dog to the park, pay attention to the following details:

  • The animal’s vaccination must be up to date.
  • He needs to be dewormed.
  • If you release it from the collar, make sure it is in dog-specific locations. Or better yet, surrounded.
  • Do not get distracted and be aware at all times to the movements of your furry.
  • It is recommended that you have taught him basic rules of obedience.

When the problem is dog owners

Sometimes, the biggest obstacle you’ll face when taking your dog to the park is the owners of other animals.

Not all people are educated and willing to collect the feces of their pets. Also, some owners are irresponsible or don’t know how to properly handle their dogs.

This can create tense situations, not just between animals, but also between people. Therefore, be aware and try to avoid aggressive behavior or behavior that does not lead to anything.

Some advice for a walk in the park with your pet


The idea that a walk in the park with your furry friend is a rewarding moment for both you and him. Then:

  • Choose the quietest times,  where there is less movement of dogs and people.
  • Respect the rules and guidelines  of public spaces regarding pets.
  • If your dog poops, don’t forget to pick it up.
  • If you notice the presence of an aggressive dog, you can be sure that the owner will be too. Better take your four-legged friend to a quieter place.
  • Don’t forget to bring a ball to play with, some treat to reward good behavior and plenty of water so your dog doesn’t get dehydrated.

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