Proteins For Dogs: Which Ones Are Best?

Chronic exposure to the same protein source can cause food intolerances.
Proteins for dogs: which ones are best?

Proteins are one of the essential macronutrients in the diet of all living things. Its variety and balance are essential, especially in the case of proteins for dogs whose consumption takes place through specialized formulations.

Proteins are a basic component of animal nutrition. At the molecular level, they are made up of amino acids, functional elements  in terms of muscle development, tissue repair and energy supply. However, it is convenient to know the most efficient protein sources, since not all of them have the same biological value.

These macronutrients, available in a wide variety of animal and plant foods, differ in their amino acid composition.

Much of the veterinary community agrees that the best proteins for dogs are those that come from meat. This does not mean that a diet with other animal proteins is unfeasible, and may even be beneficial due to a greater diversity of nutrients.

In relation  to the administration of proteins of vegetable origin, it could be more contraindicated  in terms of guaranteeing the adequate consumption of essential amino acids.

Best protein formulations for dogs

Direct consumption of the animal protein source is often quite uncommon in pets, as well as being indigestible. Therefore, when buying, it is advisable to  evaluate the protein composition of different foods.

best formulations

As long as the dog does not have food sensitivity, it can ingest the most common formulations on the market. Among these, those made with chicken, beef, turkey, lamb or rabbit stand out, with their respective mixtures. However, it is true that most food allergies in pets are due to chronic exposure to the same protein source.

To avoid these types of digestive disorders,  experts recommend rotating intake of protein sources for dogs. Thus, in addition to ensuring a more varied and nutritious diet, the animal will feel encouraged to try new foods.

If the rotation option is complex, it is best to include formulations as varied and complete as possible. Eggs and fish can be very healthy options, especially fish, because, in addition to proteins, they provide essential fatty acids such as omega 3.

At other times, digestive sensitivities are due to the way food is prepared, when corn, wheat or rice flours are used. In these cases, when the animal ingests the food in question alone, cooked or not, there are usually no intolerances. Therefore, the analysis of the feed and the observation of the animal are fundamental for its well-being.

Recommended amount of protein

Although protein is essential for life, its consumption must be balanced. Some feed marketing strategies are based on the high protein level of their formulations. However, veterinarians warn that abuse of this macronutrient can lead to kidney disorders, especially in elderly or sick dogs.

Recommended amount of protein

The dose of protein for dogs must be adequate and always combined with the rest of the essential nutrients. Any excess will tend to be eliminated through the kidneys. The presence of  yellow spots in the animal’s feces or weight gain may indicate excess protein.

Listening to expert recommendations is essential when choosing the most complete feed formulations. However, the basic pillars that every guardian must follow for good nutritional status and, therefore, the health of your pet, are variety and balance.

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