Recommendations For Leaving Cats Alone At Home

Some of the factors that must be taken into account when leaving cats alone at home are those related to feeding, hydration, entertainment, hygiene and safety, as well as some company from time to time.
Recommendations for leaving cats alone at home

Changes in the environment can make our cats very stressed. Therefore, when going on vacation or going on a tour of more than a week, it is best not to take them. 

These recommendations for leaving cats alone at home will make things easier for the owner and their pet.

Our pussies are independent and self-sufficient. Therefore, leaving cats alone at home is possible, as long as we take certain precautions.

A feline will hardly adapt to changes in the environment easily, even for a short time. In this case, it is preferable that he stay at home, but it is not a question of closing the door and leaving.

What is needed to leave cats alone at home

It is necessary that a trusted person accompany the pet during this period.

In addition to ensuring food, drink, safety and hygiene, it will keep the cat company, even if it is every three days. It must be someone the cat recognizes so that its presence doesn’t intimidate it.

Eat and drink

The first thing is food. The amount of food we have to leave for our cat will depend on the length of the vacation. Two bowls of your favorite food and two bowls of water will last for up to three days.

Fortunately, cats don’t eat all at once. They are predictable and very intelligent beings. If they find themselves alone and see the right amount of food, they will only eat what is necessary for the moment.

Cat snacks and toys are also good options. The habit of leaving some in different places in the house so they can enjoy them will make them feel good.

Sleeping kitten with ball and pillow

Access to these containers with food and liquids must be guaranteed. If a door closes and prevents access to food, the cat will be in serious trouble. 

So it’s important to make sure the interior doors stay open when you’re away from home.

After three days, it is essential that  someone we trust periodically visit the house to provide you with food and drink. 

It is also essential to leave extra food to prevent possible inconvenience when returning.

home fun

If we leave our kitten’s favorite toys in some places in the house, it will allow him to have fun.

If he is distracted, time will go faster and anxiety about his owner’s absence will decrease.

The scraper is also indispensable; with it our feline will be entertained, enjoying one of the things he likes most.

In addition, it will prevent him from deciding to  sharpen his nails  on furniture, one of the biggest fears of cat owners.

All clean

Cats are clean by nature ; your bathroom is something they don’t overlook. When it’s not clean, they often have a hard time because they feel there is clutter in their environment.

It is important that we make sure the box is completely clean. Don’t limit yourself to one, because when it’s dirty he won’t use it.

Two or three sandboxes guarantee more days of peace for our pet.

cat entering the sandbox

It is also  convenient to have everything prepared for the trusted person  who will visit our cat. The shovel, garbage bags and sand should be at her disposal so that every time she goes home, she can clean the box and leave it as new.

closed house

To prevent leaks, it is important to check that doors and windows are securely closed.

It is natural for the pet to decide to explore the surroundings if it manages to leave the house. However, there is a risk of him getting lost or having an accident.

For safety, it is also advisable to keep toxic products and medications out of your reach. The cat can come into contact with them and get sick or even die of intoxication. Don’t forget that they are very curious.

A good company

It is very convenient to visit those trusted people to play with the cat, pet it and accompany it for a while. This will make the lonely days shorter and reduce anxiety and stress.

Other options

If the idea of ​​leaving cats alone at home does not seem to be the most appropriate, other options can be evaluated. 

One of them is to take him to a friend’s house, with the risk that the cat will not adapt and try to escape. It could also damage the belongings of the person harboring it.

Although they are expensive, cat hotels are another option. It is necessary to assess aspects such as the presence of other animals that could make you uncomfortable.

The fact of being in another environment, outside the home… all of this can generate anxiety and a lot of stress.

These recommendations for leaving cats alone at home will benefit the pet and its owner. Following them will guarantee a better vacation for both of you.

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