Scratching Posts For Cats

Cat Scratching Posts

The habit of scratching is very important and natural for cats, hence the importance of scratching posts for felines.

Many owners believe that cats scratch things around on purpose to screw things up, but in reality, it’s an instinctive act for them. The idea that the cat “want” to damage something is to humanize the animal in a sense, when what really needs to be done is to find out more about the cat’s natural instincts, to understand the reason for their actions.

To avoid the problem of material damage, there are scratching posts for cats. These posts are designed so that the cat can scratch according to its instinct and forget about the rest of the furniture around it.

You can buy one for your pet or you can even build it yourself!

the importance scratch

Some owners don’t understand that scratching an object is the same as sleeping, breathing, eating, or exercising for a cat.

Basically, scratching relaxes them because it allows them to stretch (avoiding tension) and even serves to mark their territory.

Also,   when they scratch, cats sharpen their nails and this makes them grow stronger and healthier. Remember that they are an essential element in an animal’s life.

The good news is that you don’t have to wait for the house to be destroyed. Nor will you have to resort to the horrible practice of clipping your cat’s nails to “fix” the problem. In fact, the solution is much simpler: everything can be solved with scratching posts for cats!

Types of Scratching Posts for Cats

There are different themes and sizes of scratching posts for cats. They are designed for indoors and outdoors and come with a specific design for the space where we plan to place it. There are also posts that adapt to any space, with accessories that make it possible to lengthen or shorten them.

kitten with scratcherThere are also cat scratchers that have other possible uses. For example, some posts have a bed included, with different materials. Other posts are incorporated into a “play area” for the cat, so that it can also have fun with toys while scratching, among other varieties.

At pet stores, you can find many options for taking a good scratching post as a gift for your cat.

The most common scratching posts are:

1. Basic Scratcher

It consists of a tall pole with a base to keep you upright and another at the top to keep you balanced. They can be wrapped in sisal yarn or any other rough material. The basic design allows the cat to stretch on both rear legs to scratch with the front ones. It is the most economical of the scratching posts for cats.

2. Scratcher with accessories

Accessories are added to the base model to result in a kind of “playground” for your feline.

If you have enough space, it’s an excellent option. They can have one or more caves or boxes for the cat to hide in, ramps, stairs and multiple levels to ensure the pussy’s fun for hours. Ideal for playful puppies!

3. Flat scraper

It’s best suited for small kittens and for owners who don’t live in a big place. It’s like a kind of frame with a cloth similar to a rug so that the animal can scratch without exerting too much pressure.

They can also be used for adult cats or those who cannot make very “athletic” moves. It’s very easy to make one of these if you want.

4. Cardboard Scraper

Among all scratchers, this is the cheapest… in some cases, it doesn’t even cost a penny.

If you have a cat, you certainly know that this species has a fascination for cardboard boxes. No matter what’s inside, he’ll use it to amuse himself for hours. He’s going to hide, he’s going to sleep, he’s going to scratch her and he’s going to have a lot of fun with it.

How to make a scratching post for cats

If you like crafts and have some free time, you might be interested in creating your own scrapers. It’s easier than you think!

Orange kitten with homemade scraper

You need:

  • 1 wooden stick (approximately the same height as the standing cat)
  • 2 wooden squares (the sides of which should measure half the length of the stick)
  • sandpaper for wood
  • sisal wire
  • Carpet scraps
  • Glue
  • Nails and hammer

Steps to follow:

  1. Sand the wood well to make sure there are no splinters or bumps that could injure the cat.
  2. Line the square woods with the pieces of rug you selected earlier (on both sides). Secure the material well with glue.
  3. Glue the wooden stick and apply the sisal string as tightly as possible.
  4. Nail the base and lid to the ends of the wooden stick.
  5. Let everything dry well.
  6. Gift your pet to start the fun!

If you want, you can add some balls made with string or wool to get the cat’s attention.

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