Sleeping With A Pet Helps You Get Better Rest

Of all human activities, sleeping is one of the most important, as it renews the necessary energy to be able to live the day to day in the healthiest way possible, in addition to reducing stress, accumulated tiredness and being the one that helps to maintain balance in the body.
Sleeping with a pet helps you get better rest

Of all human activities, sleep is one of the most important, as it renews the necessary energy  to be able to live the day to day in the healthiest way possible, in addition to reducing stress, accumulated tiredness and being what helps to maintain balance in the body.

As sleep is essential,  those who suffer from sleep disorders often have a very poor health status because they do not rest properly, a  fact that can generate different types of illnesses that can be dangerous.

For many years, different methods were recommended to sleep well and uninterrupted, some were unusual advice, like counting sheep with your eyes closed, and religious suggestions like praying a rosary when sleep doesn’t come.

However, one of the most criticized recommendations throughout history has been one that ensures that  sleeping with your pet is the best way to rest peacefully.

What is certain is that a few days ago, to the surprise of many,  scientific studies determined that this is precisely a very efficient way to sleep better.

If you want to sleep without problems, sleep with your pet

Cat and dog on the couch with owner

Even though it seems very hard to believe, a thorough research work carried out by the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine in Arizona has managed to determine that  people who sleep with their cats or dogs have a peaceful sleep and a peaceful rest.

The experiment led by Dr. Lois Krahn had a number of 150 participants, of whom 49% were pet owners,  who were asked about their sleeping habits and whether their pets were in the same bed while they slept.

What was amazing was that  only 20% of them responded to having their sleep interrupted by moans, snoring or any type of movement of their dogs or cats.

On the other hand,  much more than 50% revealed having a more peaceful rest with their pets in bed or in the bedroom, since according to the results of the study, the presence of these beautiful animals in the same space in which these people are located, cause greater security and convenience.

Some even commented that they felt much more comfortable if their pets slept between their legs or on their backs. As indicated, feeling the body heat and the softness of the hair is very relaxing.

One animal instead of several

According to the results obtained,  Krhan determined that, without a doubt, some people feel that sleeping with their animal provides greater comfort. To back up his words, Krhan indicated that a middle-aged woman commented that the key to enjoying rest is the way her little dogs warm the bed before she goes to sleep.

Despite this,  the specialist pointed out that there are greater possibilities to better reconcile sleep with the presence of a single animal instead of several,  since when there is more than one, there is a risk of having difficulty sleeping.

In the same way, Krahn made it clear that even with participants who ensured that they feel comfortable with their cats rubbing while they sleep,  there is not a single rule regarding the theme of absolute comfort with animals in the same space in which they rest,  because the Dogs can look a lot like their owners, but their pussy friends don’t.

A revealing experience

dog sleeping with woman

In addition to the aforementioned, other scientists who were part of the research assured that the reason  many owners find comfort with their pets in the bedroom is because they feel they are like family members  and want to integrate them into their lives in every way possible.

Furthermore, they revealed that  the most common and understandable desire of those who have pets is to have them around at night while they sleep,  since it has been shown that human beings spend a large part of their existence sleeping.

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