Teach Your Dog To Sing

teach your dog to sing

If you like to share new things with your pet and teach new tricks, we recommend you follow these tips and you’re set: Teach your dog to sing!

The ideal when you educate your dog is to make the activities as pleasant as possible. , varying some strategies to teach fun things that help to improve the bond with you.

In fact, this can be a very fun activity and won’t necessarily be very noisy if you can teach your dog not to howl too loudly.

Can I teach my dog ​​to sing?

Yes, it is possible. Although it involves a little commitment, you can do it relatively easily.

Unlike many animals, dogs have been with us for millennia and ended up adapting to the noises we make , what can scare most other species.

It is clear, don’t overdo the music volume : remember that your dog has a much more sensitive ear than the human ear and a loud sound can hurt him, or at least irritate him.

To get your dog to sing, you can use different methods , which will basically depend on your resources and your time:

Cachorro com fone de ouvido

make him listen to an instrument

Basically, the first training method is to teach your dog to give a short bark at a certain sound signal.

For your dog to do this, first you must get him used to the chosen instrument . Make sure it’s not one that scares you, otherwise it will be difficult to teach you how to sing. You can use a bell or a drum.

Take advantage when your dog barks and plays the instrument, giving him the order “sing”. Then give him a reward: at first he won’t understand very well what it’s about, but in time he will learn.

The goal is simply to reinforce what your dog is doing in a natural way and at the right times. After completing the training, he should be able to recognize the instrument as an order to start.  to bark or howl.

with the help of friends

Teaching your dog will be much easier if you have another dog that knows the trick of singing. Dogs are very social animals and therefore don’t want to be left out of the game.

Start the sessions with the dog that has already been trained with the one you want to teach , reinforcing the behavior to be achieved through rewards: it will be easier for him to understand the dynamics of what you want if you are following a partner.

Cachorro uivando

stimulating the howl

If you don’t have an instrument or another pet to help reinforce the behavior, you can do so by encouraging a bark or a howl, although it’s a little difficult at first.

The first thing is to make your dog howl . Try doing this with noise (try howling if necessary) or making faces. Typically, dogs communicate with us using, in addition to body language, light grunts, howls and barks.

When your dog makes a lot of noise, no matter how fast it is, take the opportunity and give the order “sing”.  Remember to do this as often as necessary for your dog to associate the word with the action.

When your dog manages to howl, give it the reward it deserves . Keep in mind that the rewards for dogs aren’t just treats. You can also pet or treat, as they also serve as a reinforcement, because what your dog most wants is to please him.

Finally, remember that with patience, a lot can be achieved. So don’t lose your enthusiasm, be persistent and sooner or later you’ll be singing alongside your new Pavarotti.

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