Ten Postpartum Tips For A Bitch

Ten tips for the postpartum of a bitch

The postpartum care of a novice bitch is essential. The first steps will be taking care of your hygiene after giving birth and the bed in which you will rest  with your puppies.

In addition, the bitch, during postpartum, must be separated from other adult dogs that can transmit diseases or parasites. It is also very important to feed it with food for puppies, as it has a high energy and protein value.

The mother’s breasts can develop mastitis and, because of that, it is necessary to pay attention every day during the postpartum period of a bitch to provide the tranquility she needs.

The first steps of a dog’s postpartum period

postpartum of a bitch

After delivery, the first step to take is to keep the place where the animal gave birth clean , as the mother and her young will rest there. This space must always be kept clean. A good idea is to give the dog a bath with warm water so that she can stay clean and relaxed. This hygiene will reduce the risk of infections from bacteria, both in mother and offspring.

In addition, the new mother will ingest pieces of the placenta and other organic debris originated during childbirth. Poor hygiene can be a source of infections. 


Canine mastitis diagnosed early can be treated with warm water compresses and the assistance of a good veterinarian to prevent the problem from getting worse. The baby dog’s baby teeth will appear at around one month of age. Therefore, to avoid sores on the mother’s breasts, we have to pay attention to the little ones to breastfeed in a less aggressive way.


When the puppies have all their baby teeth, it is time to progressively start canine solid feeding with solid products specific to them. The advantage is that this will get the puppy used to a future food and, at the same time, will keep him away from the mother so that his breasts are not hurt. 

For the recovery of a canine female that has just given birth, a quality food is the most suitable ideal food,  as it is rich in calories and protein. The dog’s bowl should always be with food so that the animal can feed when it feels like it, when the puppies allow it, between breastfeeding breaks.

Water is also a fundamental element. The bitch’s hydration is very important because, among other things, it helps in the production of milk to feed the puppies. 

the mother’s tranquility

As with humans, with mothers and newborns,  bitches and their puppies also need reassurance during the postpartum period. The bed where the mother and her cubs will stay should be in a peaceful environment, away from the eyes of their human owners.

Also, during a dog’s postpartum period, if there are many visits from people who want to see the puppies, she can get nervous. The ideal is to leave the animal calm and respect the intimacy of all the puppies.

Cesarean delivery

When the birth of the puppies requires a cesarean, the bitch will need some specific care  so that the surgical wound heals properly.


Photo: barbievolts

It is essential to clean the wound with a good disinfectant diluted in water and keep the scar dry. It is also very important to prevent the bitch from licking or touching the dressing, which can be avoided through many items on the market.

Other advice that can help the mother after the cesarean is to  prevent the bitch from nursing her puppies due to the risk of damage to the wound. Also, the female may reject her offspring after the procedure. If this happens, you should feed the puppies with special milk and a bottle.

It is important to take into account that this rejection can originate, in addition to the cesarean, due to other reasons. Sometimes it is not possible to clearly discover the origin of the reason. In these cases, the owners will have to take care of feeding the young with a bottle and other items, so that the puppies grow up healthy.

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