The 3 Most Common Myths About Small Dogs

The 3 Most Common Myths About Small Dogs

Just like a big dog, small ones are a beautiful acquisition that will make you very happy and will bring you many tender moments.  This is because the smaller these companions are, the greater the will to want them to feel protected and secure.

Those people who love puppies tend to prefer smaller dogs. Not only because they are similar in size, but also because,  unlike many large dog breeds, small dogs pose no chance of harm to you or the children you have at home.

However, different kinds of myths revolve around these cute little dogs. These myths, in addition to generalizing some of their actions and attitudes, also create false expectations around them. This makes some people decide to adopt them taking into account some of these misleading comments.

If you didn’t already know them, here are the 3 most common myths about small dogs:

They practice all the exercise they need just by running at home


On more than one occasion, we’ve heard that one of the advantages of having small dogs is that they don’t require you to take them to exercise, as they aren’t big. This is because, supposedly, when running at home, they would already be performing the  physical activities  that their bodies require.

This is a lie that reflects a slight ignorance on the subject, since exercise, in addition to improving the functioning of the body, improves the functioning of the mind  and emotions. Activity prevents boredom, which is one of the biggest reasons a dog gets depressed.

Even if your small breed dog will never show much enthusiasm when going out for a run or play, you should make him exercise  for a healthier life.

It’s easier to take care of a small dog than a big one

Of all the myths that revolve around these little companions, one of the most common is that they are easier to care for than large dogs. That’s because they can be trained in a short time and are much less burdensome.

Although these little friends can be transported more easily due to their smaller weight and size, the  fact is that on many occasions, taking care of these puppies is more arduous and complicated than with a large dog. That’s because your height makes hygienic tasks much more delicate and thorough.

For example, the  Yorkshire Terrier  and Maltese breed tend to get their teeth dirty much faster than any larger dog. This represents a real task of patience and sacrifice, as you will have to brush your teeth every day.

Even so, many small-sized dogs tend to pay less attention and not take orders. Therefore, on more than one occasion you will have to repeat a request several times for him to take you seriously.

Small Dogs Don’t Suffer From Canine Leishmaniasis

Chihuahua in arms

Among the different types of parasitic diseases that can affect dogs, this is one of the most delicate, as the vast majority of dogs that suffer from it usually do not survive due to organic weakness generated or lack of timely medical treatment.

This terrible disease is generated by a sandfly-shaped parasite called Leishmania. It flies at a medium height and mainly inhabits humid and rural places in various regions of the world.

From this fact,  the myth was created that this parasite only infects large dogs, as they have the profile. However, it has been proven that sandflies can appear inside many homes, which are the most common habitat for small dogs, and therefore can also be infected.

As you may already know,  myths are never completely objective and reliable. We recommend that you investigate thoroughly and get to know the opinion of professionals before reaching any conclusions.

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