The 5 Most Affectionate Pets

Having a pet brings many benefits to our lives. These are the five most affectionate pets we can find.
The 5 most affectionate pets

Want to know which pets are most affectionate with their owners? Not all animals can be kept as pets, and each has a personality that makes them unique.

If we take good care of them, animals respond to us with trust and affection, but not all express this clearly. By understanding the animals’ natural behavior, we can understand them and then convey the security they need.

Next, let’s meet the most affectionate pets out there.

The 5 most affectionate pets

1. Dogs

Without a doubt, man’s best friend tops the list. Thousands of years of domestication have made him our most faithful ally. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) classifies dogs into 349 breeds, according to their constitution and behavior.

Thus, and there are hunting dogs, guardians, shepherds… and companions. The latter, because of their docility and temperament, are usually the most affectionate with their owners, children and strangers.

However, we are just generalizing since, as we have said, each individual is unique and any dog ​​can be a more or less ‘friendly’ pet. Yet, without a doubt, dogs are among the most affectionate pets out there.

2. cats

This is another animal that is obviously in one of the top positions. Cats are different from dogs, but they know how to return our love. If you have a cat, you know you need to respect your space at all times.

Bonding with cats is achieved through respect and personal space. They can’t be forced to do something they don’t want to, and it’s no use punishing them if they do something wrong. They will come to you when they need your attention and affection.

cat looking up

3. Rabbits

Rabbits are sociable animals that adapt well to our company, especially if they are used to them from an early age. In the wild, these animals are often prey, so they are a little scared.

Thus, it is necessary to invest time and patience in this relationship, but once we have created a bond with them, they will come looking for our company.

Os coelhos são animais sociáveis

To have a rabbit as a pet, it is necessary to have a large cage adapted to its needs, with water, food, hay and a substrate for the soil, in addition to keeping it at a certain temperature so that it doesn’t get cold, etc.

We can set them free around the house or in the garden so they can explore the space and interact with each other. Just like any other pet, they too need vet consultations and vaccinations.

When picking them up, we must be careful with their spine, as it can be injured if they kick in the air.

4. Small birds

Some parrot groups are very popular as pets. In fact, many of them have become invasive species by running away from home and breeding in a better climate.

Many groups of birds have lived in our homes for years. Parakeets, canaries, agarpornis and parrots are some of them.

As aves podem se tornar animais de estimação amigáveis

While it’s possible to find many videos and photos of people with their birds on their shoulders on social media, that doesn’t mean that when we buy one, it will too.

Birds can become affectionate pets, but first we need to establish a trusting relationship with them.

Birds need stimulation; your cage should be big and have perches, swings, toys… They also need to exercise, so it’s convenient if they can fly around the house every day. However, be sure to close the windows to prevent leakage.

They will gradually get used to your presence. You can start by standing around and offering food with your hand. Each day, the bird will come a little closer, eating from your hand and even landing on it.

Once she lands on your hand, you can make progressive movements until she feels safe on top of you. That way you can establish a relationship with your winged friend.

5. Rodents: rat, guinea pig, chinchilla, hamster, gerbil, degu…

Rodents have become very common pets, especially for children. They are sociable animals that usually live in large groups, so it is highly recommended to have more than one of them.

All rodents are skittish, but if they are used from a young age to gentle, non-invasive treatment, they can make very good pets.

Rodents are affectionate pets

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