The Benefits Of Petting Our Dog

The benefits of petting our dog

Have you ever noticed how you feel better when you are around your pet? If you already had this impression, let us clarify that she is completely right. Spending quality time with a dog, cat, or other animal can have a positive impact on your mood and health, so today we’ll tell you a little more about the many benefits of petting our dog.

According to American psychologist Alle R. McConnell, a professor at the University of Miami, those people who live with animals tend to have a better mood than those who don’t.  Especially when the relationship with the animal is of good quality, as this can vary a little depending on situations such as space, noise, etc.

Something that dog owners seem to have in common is that they remain more active, either because taking care of the pet involves going out for a walk, playing at home or in the park.

But beyond that, dogs give very significant samples of affection, especially when we pet them frequently and, moreover, this is also very beneficial for the owner’s health, let’s see some reasons:

Help to have a healthier heart

In addition to the benefits for the heart to have a more active life, dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure, mainly because they do not suffocate as much as they usually let off steam by talking and caressing the pet.

Likewise, people who have suffered heart attacks, or who have some other cardiac anomaly, and who have a dog, have a better quality of life and health than those who, in the same health conditions, do not have a dog.

Decreases stress

Possibly the greatest benefit of petting pets is related to reducing stress levels.

Petting your dog will make you feel much better, especially in cases of depression. Stroking your dog will help your body release a relaxing hormone, which will reduce your stress levels.

In addition, physical contact also seems to relieve pets’ stress, in addition to strengthening the bond between them and improving coexistence.


Improve your relationship with others

Animals, especially dogs, can help you connect with other people. This is not only due to the fact that people tend to talk to each other during walks and to schedule new outings with their pets.

The fact of petting dogs teaches people a sense of responsibility and support for others. Since the dog is absolutely dependent on its owner, basically its physical integrity is in its hands.

Physical contact helps to strengthen the relationship between the dog and the person, which is often compared to the love parents feel for their children. From these relationships, a duty begins to be generated within human interactions, which ends up having a positive impact on the owner’s social relationships.

Additional Contributions of Having a Dog at Home

Improves your mood

People with a pet are generally happier, more confident, and less lonely than those who don’t have a pet. They also visit the doctor less often for minor problems (headaches, back pain, or gastric pain.)

One of the reasons we can attribute to this is the great sense of belonging and meaning that our pet gives us, as the dog is absolutely dependent on us, it makes us feel responsible and part of something important.


Benefits the baby’s immune system

Babies raised in families that have a pet are often less prone to allergies and asthma, studies show.

However, for this to occur, contact must begin early, ideally before the baby is 6 months old. Babies with dogs or cats at home, on top of all this, suffer less from colds and ear infections during the first year of life.

Support for children with difficulties in socializing

Children who have autism tend to get along better with their classmates when they have a pet at home.  This phenomenon increases even more when the pet accompanies them in the classroom; this is due to the fact that animals transform the educational environment and help to integrate those who have difficulties to interact.

Image courtesy of slowdevil.

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