The Definitive Methods For Your Dog To Pee In The Street

There is a main premise, in all cases, which is the fact that you will have to be very patient and educate your pet through positive reinforcement. The animal does not urinate at home out of malice, but because it does not know what to do. The owner’s job plays a key role for the dog to pee in the street.
The definitive methods for your dog to pee in the street

Teaching a dog to pee in the street can seem like an odyssey. There are a lot of “tricks” that we’ve heard and tested that don’t work. Therefore, we decided to teach your dog the definitive methods for peeing in the street.

why does the dog pee at home

When dogs pee at home, it is usually because they are  puppies that they still have a lot to learn. His home is, so far, the only environment he knows and he will not be able to leave until he has had all the corresponding vaccinations. So, in these cases, there is nothing you can do to avoid this fact, except keep the house clean.

If you have adopted an adult dog and he pees in your house, this could be for several reasons:

  • no one taught him
  • he has a trauma
  • He has a health problem
  • There are no schedules

Try using the tricks we’ll teach your dog to pee in the street, and if you notice the problem persists,  visit a veterinarian to identify why  and find a solution.

Methods for your dog to pee in the street

Without further ado, we’ll go over some tricks that will work perfectly for your dog to pee in the street. Of course, keep  in mind that no trick will work in a day,  as teaching an animal takes time and requires patience and perseverance. But calm down, you’ll make it!

what to do while he’s still a puppy

Dogs don’t control their  sphincters  and, as we said before, there is a period when they can’t even come out. Therefore, we must teach them to do their needs in a specific place.

dog getting scolded

As you know, the  newspaper is ideal for these cases, because its composition keeps odors which, in the end, is what our pet needs, since dogs urinate where they smell other urine, as a rule.

Place a newspaper somewhere in the house of your choice and watch your dog. Every time you notice that he intends to pee,  take him to that spot. If he has already urinated on the floor, take the newspaper and wet it with the pee and put it back in the place you defined for him to do his needs.

In addition, scent-impregnated diapers, which are sold in pet stores, will also entice your pet to pee on them.

make appointments

This is one of the most important points, because the animal’s body works at the same pace every day. It is essential that  you take it three times a day, for at least 15 minutes,  to take a walk and get your dog used to peeing in the street. These three times a day should always be at the same times, which you will choose depending on your circumstances.

always walk in the same place

In the first days of training, to teach your dog to pee in the street, you should always walk through the same places, so the animal will have  time to identify the smells and will soon start marking its territory. Dogs take care of themselves when they feel at home and when they feel that it is their place. Once this has happened, continue a few more days in the same places, until you see that he is used to it.

Be patient

pee out of place

This means that he will urinate in the most secluded parts of the house and still not do it on the street, because you will see him. If he sees you watching him on the street all the time, he just won’t do it. Something we always say: training should be based on positive reinforcement and the love you feel for your dog.

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